Day 070 - Ashland to Superior - Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples - CycleBlaze

June 24, 2023

Day 070 - Ashland to Superior

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Good Ride - Lousy Weather.

That sums up the day.  I had planned to leave by 8:30 today to be sure I could get in before the expected afternoon showers in Superior.  The only problem was that it was raining in Ashland in the morning.  It was shortly after 9 before the rain stopped and I got underway.

My first stop was at the Northern Great Lakes Visitors Center, just a couple of miles outside Ashland.  It's a large visitors center that almost borders on being a museum.  There were many displays on all aspects of life in the Great Lakes region.  Because of my weather concerns, I didn't stay nearly as long as I would have liked, but here is a sampling...

Steve & Sue, from yesterday, had mentioned how good this exhibit was. They were right.
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These aren't paintings or photos, they're weavings. As far as I could determine, the artist only used 3 colors of thread - black, white and tan.
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The detail was amazing - the more I looked at them, the more I saw.
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We had read about the land sales in this area before. Basically, it was a land scam, as the ground was great for forests but not suited at all for farming.
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Unscrupulous loggers would cut the ends off and re-stamp the log.
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Zoom in to see what a beaver pelt would buy.
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About 15 miles into today's ride, I crossed paths with a bicycle event and crashed their SAG stop.  The volunteers manning the stop joked that I was headed the wrong way and invited me to partake in the snacks.  I thoroughly enjoyed their watermelon and venison sticks.

The long sleeves and jackets may give a hint of what the temperature was this morning. (Spoiler alert - it got a lot colder in the afternoon)
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Road art just outside Brule.
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This was an unexpected find just outside Maple, WI. Just like Lakenenland Sculpture Park, Grizz Works is privately owned but open to the public.
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There was chainsaw art all over the grounds.
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There were several buildings that were open on the site. This is the exterior of a bar.
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And here's the inside.
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Art in a stable.
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The raw material.
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Works in progress.
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At Maple, I turned off US-2 for County Road F. It was nice and peaceful!
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An open field - a rare sight in this area.
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My last stop of the day was the Old Brule Heritage Society site.  It had a small collection of buildings from the area, but none of them were open, some for obvious reasons.

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Awaiting a little TLC!
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Just before I reached Old Brule Heritage Society site a cold front moved in and the temperature really dropped. I was glad that I had packed my jacket - while it didn't make me comfortable, it did make the last 6 miles bearable.  

And here I thought that the last couple of warm days meant that summer had arrived.  Silly me.

Today's ride: 63 miles (101 km)
Total: 3,279 miles (5,277 km)

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