Day 060 - Paradise to Newberry - Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples - CycleBlaze

June 14, 2023

Day 060 - Paradise to Newberry

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Today was a nice easy day.  I only had 43 miles to ride so I waited until almost 11, allowing it to warm up some, before taking off.  While loading the bike outside the motel, I thought it was warm enough that I wouldn't need all my cold weather gear.  Less than a mile into the ride, however, I decided I'd be much more comfortable with said gear, and turned around and went back to bundle up.  Setting out the 2nd time, I was very comfortable for the 12-mile ride to Tahquamenon Falls, where I met up with Jeanna.     

On the way to the falls. The entire ride was very scenic and the traffic light, which meant that I could really look around and take it all in.
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The scenery for today's ride alternated between dense forest and areas like this. I kept hoping to see a moose, but I never saw any wildlife.
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The following are all photos from the Lower Falls.

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Jeanna stood under what looked like a tree teepee
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Rose SamsonIt's amazing how mother nature "arranged" those trees to grow!
Jeanna, you look so happy in this picture under this beautiful teepee shaped trees. It will remain in your memory.
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1 year ago
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Looking upriver from the Lower Falls.
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The parking lot at the Lower Falls is under construction. As we were leaving, a worker invited us into a closed-off area to see this snapping turtle, who was digging out a nest to lay eggs.
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marilyn swettUh oh - stay away from these critters!
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1 year ago
Jeanna & Kerry SmithTo marilyn swettThat's what the bystanders told us.
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1 year ago
Rose SamsonHope no wild animals will eat the turtle's eggs. Mother turtle choose
a cool place for the coming babies!
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1 year ago

After we left the Lower Falls, we went to the Upper Falls which is 4 miles away.

View of the Upper Falls from afar.
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Taken from the observation deck.
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We both verified the accuracy of this sign.
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Bill ShaneyfeltFunny... So did I last year!
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1 year ago
Going down...
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View from the lower observation deck.
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Looking upriver from the Upper Falls
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Rose SamsonWhat a beautiful Falls! The water delivers a "V-SHAPE" per camera's
take. Good photographer!
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1 year ago
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I counted 182, but I'll defer to the sign. :-)
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Bill ShaneyfeltI lost count but wasn't about to turn around and start over!
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1 year ago
Jeanna & Kerry SmithTo Bill ShaneyfeltI had the same thought, but I figured it was close enough for government work.
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1 year ago
Bill ShaneyfeltAs a retired Civil Service explosives guy, I found it interesting during my training back in the early 70s that "close enough for government work" originated when, during WWII, there was very tight control of government contract specifications, and the thought was if it was close enough for government work, it was near perfect... By the early 70s, things had gotten sloppy and the phrase gained the opposite meaning.

Trivia of the day.
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1 year ago
Jeanna & Kerry SmithTo Bill ShaneyfeltBill, you are such a fount of knowledge! Thanks for sharing your nuggets of wisdom with us :-) So, in explosives work, are there times when losing count demands that one go back and start over?
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1 year ago
Bill ShaneyfeltTo Jeanna & Kerry Smith"So, in explosives work, are there times when losing count demands that one go back and start over?"

Depends on the situation... Generally it would be very likely necessary. Keeping track of how many rounds were packed, how many grams or pounds or tons of whatever chemical needed in a reaction, how many rounds have been expended in a test, how many of whatever have been set up for disposal, inventory... (I did a lot of ammo inventory while I was an intern, and occasionally did re-count.) So, yeah sometimes or often or usually if explosives and counting are both involved and there is doubt, always go back and start over!

I also did plant counts in the desert for an Ecologist (Dr. Eric Pianka), and was questioned on my counts a few times, but I always had that correct and was able to point out every plant that I counted when questioned.
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1 year ago
Accessing the gorge at the Upper Falls.
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The boardwalk along the gorge.
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View of the Upper Falls from the gorge.
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Rose Samson"The beauty and stillness of the water from the Falls is calming
to one's soul"! I heard this from the old folks.
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1 year ago
Trees clinging on for dear life. There were many downed trees where the cliff had given way.
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After viewing the Upper Falls, we returned to the car to find this car from Washington state parked beside us. How apropos.
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Francie GassToo funny! Twins!
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1 year ago

It was 3PM when we left the Falls.  By that time, it had warmed up to the mid 60's, and I shucked my long pants and jacket for the 27-mile ride to the motel.  It was nice to be back into just short sleeves and shorts!

My first beaver lodge sighting of the trip. I hung around for a short while hoping to see a beaver, but it was not to be.
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Today's ride: 44 miles (71 km)
Total: 2,848 miles (4,583 km)

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