Change cycling plan, change bike, change blogger - Two Far 2023 - Oranges to Apples - CycleBlaze

August 10, 2023

Change cycling plan, change bike, change blogger

Kerry has finished his grand cross-country ride.  It was a great trip for both of us.  Now, we're going to make use of our tandem which I have hauled across the country on our Draftmaster rack.  I am relieved and happy to report that I had no mishaps with the bike or car.  There were two times when I encountered a low clearance trestle that required me to find an alternate route, but each of those was an easy detour, and I always remembered not to drive under a low clearance overhang or portico when pulling into the motels.

Several people have asked how I felt about driving SAG all that way.  I really enjoyed it most days.  After Kerry left for his ride, I could hang out in the hotel room until check-out time, then load up the car and follow his route.  Some days we met for lunch or at museums or some point of interest.  I would usually get to the new hotel about a couple of hours before Kerry.  Almost every lodging let me check in early.  I would unpack, make sure we had drinks and snacks, and enjoy some computer time until he arrived.  I also had plenty of good books on my phone as well, so I never got bored.  And, for those who have asked, yes, I would definitely do it again.

Our plan for the return trip to Florida is to mix driving and cycling.  Kerry did a great job with posting the blog daily. I'm taking over now and plan to post on cycling days or days we see something interesting enough to write about.  

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