Bent beginning - Two Far 2018 - Trailing through the Rust Belt - CycleBlaze

Bent beginning

The day before our departure we conducted our rain survey. How many days of our hundred day ride would we get caught in the rain? A couple of drops doesn't count, this means getting soaked. The bets are in (although I may have already forgotten what they were):

Kerry - 0 days.

Viktoriya - 3 days.

Jeanna - 4 days.

Marty - 5 days.

Alain - 6 days.

Geoff - 7 days.

Anne - 14 days.

D day, May 17, arrived bright and early. H hour took it's time and didn't arrive until well after breakfast, but we are officially under way.

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Team A does not normally rub shoulders with recumbent riders. This is partly because their shoulders are 4 feet lower than ours. However, this morning Geoff and Marty got out their bikes to give us an escort out of Columbus, so we were surrounded by bents.

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Geoff and Marty accompanied us to the end of the heritage trail. By then we made our second unscheduled stop for mechanical repairs, and they wisely decided they had seen enough of us and headed back home.

The climb down from the paved bike trail may have also helped our bent escort decide to go the other way.
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After loosing our escort, we passed through Union county and enjoyed a couple of the covered bridges that the county is known for.

Built in 2006
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Built in the 1870s.
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After that the road tilted up and we experienced something called hills. We aren't used to hills in South Florida. We also aren't used to polite drivers. We were pleasantly surprised by the Ohio drivers, including a trucker who patiently followed behind as we crawled up a hill in our second lowest gear.

Climbing all those hills was hard work, but we did it all on nothing but bread and water.
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Ayala ZarfjianWonderful adventure. You look wonderful, Viktoriya. After all the hard work you get to enjoy this delicious drink. - Mushy
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6 years ago
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Boris Fayfer140 more bridges to find in Ohio – 142 remain, the second-highest of any state, down from over 4,000 at peak.
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6 years ago