Day 22 Suffolk to Jamestown - Two Far 2016 - Florida to Ontario: A Round Trip - CycleBlaze

June 22, 2016

Day 22 Suffolk to Jamestown

Today we had some of the most peaceful roads we've ridden since we left home. We went for miles at times without seeing a car.

North of Suffolk
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Lake Prince
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We again rode through mostly farm land and today added peanuts to the crops we've seen. There were a couple of unexpected sights - an alpaca farm and this in someone's front yard

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Who's this we see?
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Fellow tandemists
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At Isle of Wight, we stopped at a large county government complex because there were no stores for miles. Viktoriya enhanced Kerry's day by locating a Coke machine. It was the site of the historic Boykin's Tavern, but we were too early to go inside.

Boykin's Tavern
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Boykin's Tavern Isle of Wight
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It was 21 miles from Isle of Wight to our next rest stop, but Kerry was having pain from one of his shoes, so we stopped at an "inspection station" on the side of the road. They guys there were very friendly. Viktoriya had collected samples of different grains we had seen and tried to get help identifying them, but learned only that it was either wheat or barley, or maybe rye. So much for local knowledge.

Visiting the inspection station
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Our next stop was at Bacon's Castle.

Bacon's Castle
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There was a store with local peanut products and a local cheese called "June cheese" which was pretty good. On the way to the James River ferry, we took a ride through the Chippokes Plantation State Park and encountered our first really steep hill - over 8% grade. There was a Farm and Forestry Museum which was interesting and of course Kerry enjoyed talking to the park ranger there.

James River
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Kerry talking
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Kerry still talking Chippokes Plantation State Park
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We had a nice encounter on the James River ferry. A man came up and introduced himself as James Schaefer the director of the Virginia Cycling Association and a cycling coach and racer. We had a good time talking to him during the crossing and he offered to help with any cycling contracts we might need in Virginia.

After we got off the ferry at Jamestown, we stopped for lunch at the Five Forks Diner. The food was good and the waitress was great. Next to the diner were these pretty pink flowers. Can anyone identify them for me?

What are these flowers?
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Today's ride: 61 miles (98 km)
Total: 1,280 miles (2,060 km)

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