Day 71Canasota NY to Little Falls NY - 2 Biking Hobos - CycleBlaze

August 27, 2023

Day 71Canasota NY to Little Falls NY

I am writing this a day later as I don’t know what happened. I did  write it last night and don’t know why it didn’t post.  It was 71° when we headed out but for some reason we still needed jackets as the air on the bike trail was cool. We knew we had 60 miles to ride today. We started on the trail but noticed it ran parallel with the road so we got off. It was easier to roll along on the road. We went about 13 miles and then got back on the bike trail. We came upon a guy setting up his chair so he could start fishing. Hubs asked him what kind of fish were there and he said he didn’t know as he hasn’t caught any yet. 😂. The trail wasn’t great and then it turned into gravel rocks. We were going so slow and came to what looked like a turn out. I stopped and saw a guy with his dog come down the turn off. We asked if we could get to the road from there and he said if we still go straight we wouldn’t t be on the gravel for long. We took his advice and went straight. We did come to pavement and got back on the road which took us into Rome. We decided to stop at a park to have our muffins. We weren’t there long and we were ready to go when these people decided to talk to us. Any other time I wouldn’t mind but again, 60 miles is a long day without meeting people. When we finally left them the GPS had us going in circles. We couldn’t seem to find the trail. Well, we did finally find it and we were back in the game. At one point we decided to ride on the roads as the trail wasn’t letting us roll like the roads. It turns out we were getting further away from our route. When Hubs decided we needed to get back to the trail we had added another 10 miles. We went down this one road that said it was closed but we went anyway. Well…….it wasn’t only closed it had a big part missing. I noticed that maybe we could cut through this yard and Hubs went to check. The owner of the house came out and we asked if we could cut through and she said yes. We had to take the bags off the bikes and then Hubs brought the bikes down one side over rocks and water and up the other side. He did great and then when we came back to get the bags, the woman (Shirley), asked if we were Christians. Hubs said yes and she asked if we had a cross with us. We said no so she gave me a necklace with a cross on it and hoped we had a safe trip. Off we went and back on the trail. We had some bad spots but then it was okay. We got into Little Falls and ready to get off the bikes. Now we had to find dinner and it turns out all the restaurants in town were closed as it was Sunday. We ended up at Price Chopper grocery store. We had sandwiches made up for our next day lunch, some dinner and water for the trip. Tomorrow we head to Schenectady.

We had to get off the bikes to go through a narrow section of the trail
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Hubs going through first
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Looking back at the narrow passage way
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Some people like to keep Halloween decorations up all the time
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This is Hoss, the fisherman
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Loved the barn
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This is Andy. He helped us get through the gravel trail and how to get to the road.
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Another Halloween House
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It’s a shame someone’s sweatshirt was there but I wasn’t going to touch it
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Rome water tower
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Really loved this sculpture
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This is Shirley. She is 87 years old. She was born and raised in this house. She let us go through her yard and gave me a necklace with a cross on it to help keep us safe
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Hubs took this picture. He said this is the kind of barn he likes
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Tug on the canal.
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Old tugs on shore
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This tug is inside a barge
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Utica sign
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Loved this church
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Today's ride: 71 miles (114 km)
Total: 666 miles (1,072 km)

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Debbie ColeThese are some great architectural photos. I really like that church. I have to say having grown up in that area and seeing the changes over time, it is a pretty depressed area. But seeing it through your eyes, it looks interesting. Aspects of it quite lovely.
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9 months ago