Day 42 Turtle Lake WI to Birchwood WI - 2 Biking Hobos - CycleBlaze

July 29, 2023

Day 42 Turtle Lake WI to Birchwood WI

When you see a Cheese Factory in Wisconsin you must stop I
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Vicky LoveridgeSo yummy. Did you buy anything?
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10 months ago
Pretty flowers outside the cheese shop
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Always need barn pictures
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So these are the street signs that will help your child with fractions
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This is the adorable doodle that wanted our attention really bad
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More hills
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This is Kate, Steve and Tom biking the route in the opposite direction.
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Love, love this cow picture
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This is where we had lunch
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This is the Amish boy and his horses
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Yes, we found the Huge Bluegill and got a selfie with it. 😀
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Edward GriecoTo bad Gary couldn’t ride all the way home with that blue gill on top of his helmet 😂😂
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10 months ago
This is the B&B we are staying at in Birchwood
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This is Mary Lou the owner of the B&B
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Inside the B&B
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It was 59° when we got up this morning so long sleeve shirts and biking jackets were on the agenda. It was only supposed to get up to 76° which is a big switch from the last few days. We were not blessed with any bike trails today so it was all roads. When we came to a sign that said cheese factory we had to go in. We didn’t buy any cheese as we have no room in our little bike cooler. I told Hubs there will be more places he can get some cheese. The flowers outside the shop were so pretty, they deserved to be photographed too. As we rode I was noticing the street signs. They were not your normal ones. I don’t know who came up with the idea but I guess it’s a good way to help your kids with math. We also noticed these mailboxes on this one road and realized they had holders with swinging arms. We assume they are for when the snow plows go by they will push the mailbox aside instead of plowing it down. I thought that was pretty neat. I was able to get a few pictures of barns as I haven’t seen many lately and I do love them. I wonder if I was a farmer in an earlier life as I love barns and cows. I would never be a farmer now though as I couldn’t stand the smell of the cow poop. Hubs and I decided we needed a little break so we stopped and pulled out our chairs to rest. He noticed a doodle dog across the street chasing a butterfly. So cute. Well we wanted to FaceTime our friends and while we were talking the doodle must of heard us. He/she came to the edge of the yard and just barked and barked. I am really surprised the owners didn’t come out to see what was going on but they didn’t. The dog was really adorable. Back on the road and as you will see so we’re the hills. We came upon these 3 bikers and we all stopped. They were going in the  opposite direction as us and as you notice they did not have any panniers on their bikes. It turns out one of their sons is the sag wagon for them. He is also a chef and so they get great meals. One guy said, “oh yeah,if you want curry or pasta or whatever he will make it for you”. I told them I was dropping my bags and going with them. We stopped at Lona’s Cafe for lunch and I loved this picture of the cow. I had to take a picture of it for Bonnie as she loves cow pictures too and this one was great! After lunch as we were riding, along came an Amish boy with his 3 horses and wagon. We had seen the Amish sign of the horse and buggy on the side of the road but didn’t realize we were in Amish Country. Usually you will notice the buggy tracks on the road and we didn’t see any. I got a text from our friends Eric and Joan saying that seeing we were going to Birchwood we needed to see the Huge Bluegill in town as Birchwood is the Bluegill capital of the world. Well, we found it and had to have a Gary photo with it. Thanx Joan and Eric as we would never had seen it as it wasn’t right on our route. We are staying at a B&B in Birchwood which is awesome. Mary Lou has owned it for 30 years. We will be leaving later in the morning breakfast isn’t until 9:00 so we will be going to Hayward tomorrow which hopefully won’t be tons of miles.

Today's ride: 43 miles (69 km)
Total: 1,957 miles (3,149 km)

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