March 16, 2019
Premiere Moisson
Today featured a sortie by bus out toward the East, at least as far as the "Big O", Olympic Stadium. That put us about two thirds of the way across the Island of Montreal, looking from west to east. The target was the dance lessons of Amelia and Evee, at their Académie du Ballet Métropolitain.
The teachers do not actually allow the parents to pile into the studio, so the big fun for me (no Dodie, who was left in bed, fighting a cold!) was in a nearby park. To be honest, most of the fun was had by the kids, since the park was covered in fairly deep snow, except where this had devolved to thick ice. I was amazed that none of us broke a leg.
The next part of this Saturday routine is always a visit to Premiere Moisson. This is the largest and best bakery chain in the city, and is pretty much equivalent to being in France. Of course, I viewed that as a Torte Tracking opportunity, and I snapped the shot below. I was musing about whether the layered cake on the left could properly be labelled a "torte", and I was thinking of whether to mention the cheesecake on the right, in the context of cheesecake being omnipresent in North America.
My mental processes on stuff like this are lightening quick, but I had not concluded my thoughts when I found I was coping with a Premiere Moisson employee, berating me for having taken a photo. Already conditioned by Chinatown, I was having none of it, and bawled her out for bawling me out.
On arriving home, I posted the following to Premiere Moisson's Facebook page. It's a curated posting, so it's not sure if they will put it up, or respond. Comments?
"I am a tourist from British Columbia. With my three grandchildren, at your branch in the Marche Maisonneuve I made a snapshot of the colourful pastries, to show the family how I was in such a nice place. I was immediately pounced upon by an employee, declaring a "no photos" policy. I asked her why. Did she think I would try to copy a pastry? She declared that she did not know the reason, but just repeated the policy. I want you to know that you have alienated a client, and that instead of the good publicity about the colourful bakery, you have my complaint spread through my social network. Do you really think you are helping your business by forgetting about the importance of photos and social networks in our modern society? I would like to have your explanation for accusing me of something bad, and I demand an apology."
On the bus heading back, I was trying to appreciate the different people, with their different senses of style, who made up the bus riding population. Sitting the centre of the back seat was a young and tall black man, who was immaculately dressed in what was a certain style, though I could not name it. He had a skin tight red beanie, immaculately clean jeans, torn at the knee, pristine white sneakers, laces not done up, and, we think, a yellow coat. He was being 100% successful in ignoring our rowdy kids, swarming around him.
Then there was a man (I think) swathed in a heavy monk's robe and hood - not a Buddhist thing, but something reminiscent of a Trappist, Augustinian, or other early Quebec religious father. He bore a black sash, and big boots. I don't think he was imitating any specific style. He was just a genuine - something?
Then there were two young girls, both very short and wide, affecting baseball caps on backwards, noses glued to cell phones.
And then, a purely Chinese looking girl, speaking to the person beside her in 100% Quebec joual (dialect).
In this cosmopolitan city, I have no chance of riding a bus and actually understanding what I am seeing. In Paris it is the same. But there I feel satisfied to at least be easily spotting the people on the metro who obviously just came from the upscale Galleries Lafayette department store, known for fashion, perfume, and fine foods.
Normally I wear my "gilet jaune" (safety vest) everywhere, to hold my (illegal) camera. This time I did not have it. Good thing, I must have saved the characters I describe from wondering who is this cuckoo, bearded, guy in yellow, staring at them!
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I am not the only blogger in the family. The kids have written their own account of our visit to their cousins. Here Joe adds his signature.
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