Introduction - Grampies Track the Tortes Spring 2019 - CycleBlaze

February 16, 2019


Hi, and welcome to another European romp.
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A travel story is always more interesting if you know some of the backstory on the travelers, where they are coming from, and what they hope to do, and get out of the trip. Fortunately this blog site, Cycleblaze, supports a Profile page for each member, where a lot of this can of thing usually be found. If you go to our Profile (by clicking on the blue back there <--, or that name - Steve Miller - on each page here) you will get all kinds of info about us. Kind of daunting (outside of all the verbiage) are the links to over 20 blogs we have done before this one.  It's daunting for us too , because now we are sometimes at a loss to remember where we went, or when.

In case the Profile turned you off, here is the essence in a few sentences. We are just over 70 now, and have been doing long trips since 2011, when we left our home on Vancouver Island, Canada and cycled across the country. We went down and across North America a couple of times more, but we have fallen in love with the great cycle paths and culture in Western Europe,  and have really focused there of late.

Included in the "culture" part are the great bakeries on the continent. At least one of us has a big weakness for bread and pastries. That why our first European tour was subtitled "Powered by Pastries".  And that's why "tortes" have something to do with this tour.  This will be explained in an entry coming soon.

A pretty big part of the background for us right now is that Dodie is coming off of having both knees replaced since Spring. The story of that is told in the blog Rise Again!, which we think is worth reading. (<--Click the blue ).

So this current blog is a bit of a comeback story. It's not our first comeback, though. We recovered after being hit by a truck in Florida, and that resulted in the blog Grampies Ride Again. That was 4000 km through five countries of western Europe. Then we were fighting the mental fear of going back on the road. Here it's just a matter of physical weakness and recovery. But in neither case is  recovery really the theme of the ride.  In this blog the theme is "tortes". I mean it. Stay tuned.

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Kathleen ClassenYou were in Victoria! We could have been discussing this in person. You are forgiven because we don’t go downtown unless we can ride our bikes and that darn snow!! We were out for our first post snow ride today now that it is finally melting. Do call next time you are in MEC and we will meet you. We would love to see you before you go. We have news...our youngest is getting married in November in Australia and we are considering a spring tour this year since we will be heading to Aus in November. Aren’t the four of us lucky?
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6 years ago
Scott AndersonThis is so great, you two. We’re really excited for you, anxious to learn about your itinerary, and irked that you’re getting bac’ over there a week sooner than we are.
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6 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Kathleen ClassenTechnically you could still replicate the timing of Poking 5.0, and then still have time to go to Aus, but Spring is better, because it's sooner! Where would you have in mind?

Our plan, by the way, is to return to Europe Sept. 1 and retrace your steps from last year (but not Stelvio!)
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6 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Scott AndersonYes, the page with the itinerary is coming. We have already scanned and printed all the needed maps, and loaded the gpx's. I am also planning a page "Tricks with Tracks"!
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6 years ago
Ardell SiegelYea...great news..Looking forward to following glad Dodie has mended so well!
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6 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Ardell SiegelThanks Ardell, this should be a fun one!
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6 years ago
Douglas LotenWe’ve had lots of visitors in Uaymitun this winter... friends just left this morning so I’m looking forward to relaxing now and catching up on your adventures!
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5 years ago