Thus Spoke Greggarceau - Me & The U.P. - CycleBlaze

June 7, 2024

Thus Spoke Greggarceau

Yes, This Tour Is Going to Happen

Given that I introduced this U.P bike trip more than two months ago, one could reasonably come to the conclusion that I've been stalling.  The stalling isn't intentional though. It seems the older I get, the more lackadaisical I get about committing to start dates, devising routes, updating old & worn-out gear, determining what I hope to accomplish, planning anything in advance, and taking care of last minute details on the homefront.

As if that isn't enough laziness for you, consider this: Even after finally setting a firm start date, I'm still having a hard time motivating myself to begin packing.   In contrast, when I was a few years younger I generally had my panniers packed a couple weeks before hitting the road.

Anyway, the good news is that, after several delays, I will definitely begin bike tripping in exactly five days.  I want to get up north in the worst way. That might have something to do with the most spectacular northern lights (aurora borealis) display I've ever witnessed. If I could see something like that in southern Minnesota, who knows what I might see in the U.P.

It happened last month.
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These photos were taken from my driveway.
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The news personalities said to drive to a dark area for the best views of the Aurora.  It was already past my 10:00 bedtime, so I didn't want to start driving out to the countryside.  Instead, I went into the garage, grabbed the first bike I could feel, and rode to the nearest and darkest area I could think of.

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Alright, that's it until I start my U.P. bike tour.

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Kelly IniguezI used to put panniers on my bike during spring break, then I would gradually add weight over spring until I was riding with the appropriate weight when school got out. Now, I didn't even put panniers on the new bike at all until we got to the start of the tour! The first few miles took a little adjustment (especially since we started on a downhill, so I was riding at speed). Probably that's not the recommended approach! You can get away with stuff once you have experience. Youthful enthusiasm is also helpful at a different age. I'm at the experienced place in life.
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8 months ago
Bill ShaneyfeltVery nice! Last time I saw northern lights was probably about 15 years or more ago while I was in Boundary Waters in August.
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8 months ago
Suzanne GibsonThose northern lights were global, they were also visible here in Gauting!
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8 months ago
Gregory GarceauTo Kelly IniguezHi Kelly,
That's a good observation on experience vs. youthful enthusiasm. From what I've seen, you certainly have enough everyday experience to know that pre-tour riding is a good idea, but loading up your bike for the pre-tour riding isn't all that important.
P.S. A couple years ago, I was driving on the part of your route between Challis, Idaho and Chief Joseph Pass and the whole time I was wishing I was on a bike. It's so beautiful.
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8 months ago
Gregory GarceauTo Bill ShaneyfeltI can only imagine how awesome they looked from that unique land of lakes and canoes.
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8 months ago
Gregory GarceauTo Suzanne GibsonI did hear about reports from all over the world. Still, I think there was a little bit of luck involved in seeing them. I texted my brother while watching the light show. He went outside and looked for them for an hour and saw nothing even though he only lives 30 miles away. In fact, even as I watched them, they'd kind of come and go. And they disappeared for good at about 10:30 p.m. Yet, I've talked to other people who saw them in different places and at all different times of the night. I think I was at the right place at the right time.
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8 months ago
Bill ShaneyfeltTo Gregory GarceauWay back then, they were not spectacular... In fact, at first we thought it was reflections of lightning in clouds. It sure would have been great to see a real showing like you saw. Thanks for posting the pictures!
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8 months ago
Keith KleinHi Greg,
Holy cow! Those were spectacular. I heard that they could be seen from here, but only if the rain had stopped, which it didn’t. I not only missed the aurora, but the new stucco on my house was delayed! But I’m glad you saw them and got some great shots.
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8 months ago
Gregory GarceauTo Keith KleinHoly Cow! For a second there, I thought Harry Caray himself had written to me from the great Wrigley Field in the sky. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't have to endure the double whammy of missing the aurora borealis AND the delay of new stucco on my house. Sorry that you did.
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8 months ago