Day 4 - April 15 - Gautier, MS to Big Biloxi Campground, MS - Crossing the T.....Part One - CycleBlaze

April 15, 2024

Day 4 - April 15 - Gautier, MS to Big Biloxi Campground, MS

Up, Up and Away From the Coastal Plain

John’s Story

We had a great night last night. Good dinner. Great conversation. Comfortable bed. When we arrived at Jeff and Sheila’s house, he was out on a bike ride. The first thing he said after arriving and saying hello was, you guys want a beer? What a guy!

When we left this morning even Luna the rescue dog was sad to see us go.

Luna is a Boston terrier / boxer mix. Very cute little dog. Her first reaction to us was to yip and flee in terror. She eventually warmed up to me, but Ed remained a suspect stranger.
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Jeff is taking his bike on the train from New Orleans to Los Angeles in late May. He plans to ride self-supported solo along Route 66, then on to Boston. We spent hours with him as he picked our brains for insights and advice based on our transcontinental trip last year. His route takes him right by both me in Oklahoma City (a few miles off his track) and Ed (who could hit him with a rock from his porch as he passes by). Hopefully we will be able to extend our hospitality to him as he passes through. I will be finishing up the Tour of Minnesota as he approaches my house, so we’ll have to see. Jeff has a very ambitious itinerary, so if it slips a few days (like ours did last year) we’ll be able to make the connection.
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Not every brew company brews beer. My iced decaf Americano.
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As always, new plants to ponder and admire.

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Bill ShaneyfeltSome species of skullcap. About half a dozen species around there according to one web site.
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10 months ago
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Bill ShaneyfeltMaybe sneezeweed
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10 months ago
There were great swaths of this grass with silver heads and red stems along the highway as we headed inland from Ocean Springs. From a distance it looked like fields of flowers. Very pretty.
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Bill ShaneyfeltKind of matches cogon grass...
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10 months ago
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Shrub in the campground.
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Bill ShaneyfeltLooks like privet
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10 months ago
I found only one of these. It’s growing on a thin vine that’s twisting around the sturdier shrubs.
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Bill ShaneyfeltMight be swamp leatherflower
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10 months ago
Safely ensconced in our campsite at Big Biloxi Campground. We bought some beer at a C-store a few miles from camp. The first sign we saw as we entered the campground announced “No Alcohol”. We won’t tell anyone if you won’t.
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When we turned north from Ocean Springs we for the first time encountered long gentle inclines which negated the tailwind that was finally blessing us. We’ve definitely left the flat coastal plain where our barometric altimeters commonly told us we were below sea level. So the hills begin. I’m actually thankful. I can only take so much of the flat with no opportunity to rest my legs on a downhill. Ed may have a different opinion.

Facebook reminded me that 5 years ago today I was skiing with my daughter Rebecca in Utah. Like realtors say, it’s all about location, location, location!
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Rebecca ChimahuskyThat was a great couple of days of skiing, ice beard and all!
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10 months ago

Ed’s Story

We had no reason to leave early today as we only had 43 miles to go. Contrary to what John said, Luna did warm up to me and actually let me pet her and she licked my hand.

I sent this picture to my daughter who commented she wants to take a bike tour just so she can drink coffee and pet dogs.
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Jane ChimahuskyI stand by my comment. 🐶 ☕️
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10 months ago
Rich FrasierSounds like a great reason to go on a bike tour!
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10 months ago
Rebecca ChimahuskyTo Jane ChimahuskyWay better reason to go on a bike tour than all the people who tell me they want to hike the Appalachian Trial like Ben did to lose weight...I don't think they appreciate what it takes!
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10 months ago

We headed out on the sidewalk again. I don’t normally ride on them but the city calls the path a recreational path and encourages bikers to use it. Where I live, it is illegal for adults to ride on a sidewalk.

As we were leaving Gautier, I’m not sure if the city wanted to give us a two gun salute or shoot two guns at us.
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We made it to Ocean Springs and headed to the Tri Hard Sports bike shop. I needed to buy sun sleeves for my arms as I was tired of wearing my fishing shirt to protect them. Not only did they have them, they gave me a 10% discount for being a cycling tourist.

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Off to the coffee shop for another cold brew. It’s a small 2 person store…they roast their own coffee beans every week.

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The rest of the ride was fairly uneventful.  We stopped for lunch at another Walmart relatively early because there was nothing further down the line.

Our home for the night. It has electricity and water at each site, and includes warm showers to boot.
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Our ride today was only 45 miles.

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Tomorrow’s ride was originally scheduled for 47 miles and took us to the Paul B. Johnson State Park campground. It looks like, except for a few spots, the facility is closed. So, where we end tomorrow…your guess is as good as mine.

Until tomorrow, happy biking!

Today's ride: 45 miles (72 km)
Total: 185 miles (298 km)

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