April 24, 2023
About As Ready As I'll Get
The first full riding day of the tour is still 10 days away. I last rode 3 days ago, just under 50 miles with a headwind the whole way back. I thought it would be the last day on the Plow Horse before the tour, but I also thought I'd get a ride in today on my Masi road bike. Didn't happen. The rain came earlier than forecast, so I stayed home.
I know, I know. I'll ride in the rain at some point on the tour, but it's something I usually do my best to avoid when I can. Not normally a cold weather rider, I actually sought out inclement weather this winter to test my gear. I rode in rain, sleet and snow. I took notes about what I wore each ride, the weather conditions, and how I felt. I used that to tweak what I wore the next time.
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Gear testing is over, so now I'm hiding from the rain again. And the forecast the rest of this week is not looking promising.
It looks like tomorrow is out, Wednesday is out, Thursday is out. Friday I'm driving down to Dallas with my wife to see our son who is there this week from Colorado Springs for meetings. We'll drive him up to Oklahoma City on Saturday so we can go to the Philharmonic to see them perform the score from Black Panther with the movie playing on a big screen over the orchestra. Sunday he'll fly back home, and I have to finish packing. Monday my wife will drive me back to Dallas so I can fly out of DFW to Washington Reagan on Tuesday (American has lots of nonstops from DFW on bigger planes as opposed to flying on the one nonstop out of OKC on a smaller plane). Then Wednesday is a short day of Museums and Monuments before we hit the trail in earnest on Thursday.
So it seems I get almost a two week break from riding before things heat up for real. I hope I don't forget how.
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