Rest day in Baie-St-Paul - Tea for Tim - CycleBlaze

July 31, 2012

Rest day in Baie-St-Paul

Why is it that after a "rest day" I always feel in need of a rest. Unfortunately that will not be the case this time, as Kate has a ferry to catch tomorrow to meet up with Brenda, a friend of hers who is coming out to join her, and I have some miles to ride - to go to the terminal with her (to make sure she gets on the boat) - and to continue with my chosen route.

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When with Bob at Orillia we went to his local bike shop where I bought a new cassette, chain and middle chain ring, as mine were all showing signs of serious wear (despite my smug thoughts when in Winnipeg), and I decided that I could wait no longer to fit them, so did that today. I also swapped the front and rear tyres again to help even the wear. Whilst cleaning and inspecting the bike, I noticed a break in the front rack - the steel tab holding it to the bottom of the fork had sheared on one side.

If this is the mess Kate gets in when cleaning her bike and putting her make-up on,
for heavens sake don't let her answer the phone when she is ironing.
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This afternoon was spent at Baie-St-Paul, finding a place to get the rack repaired. Eventually I managed to get the guys at the Hyundai garage to repair it, and although it isn't a very good job and I will try to get a better one done on the road somewhere, it is back in one piece again, and for a main dealer garage to carry out this work (albeit badly) I am grateful.

I also skyped with crazyguy Curtis Anderson today, who finished his Trans Canada ride on Sunday, and who I rode with in B.C. for a very enjoyable week or so. Well done Curtis, that was one speedy ride, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed reading about it at

Preparing for the rigours of the following day.
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Tomorrow looks like being another hot and hilly day, as is becoming the norm at the moment, so it'll be early to bed tonight...

Today's ride: 13 miles (21 km)
Total: 5,845 miles (9,407 km)

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