Nelson to Creston - Tea for Tim - CycleBlaze

June 3, 2012

Nelson to Creston

After much mental anguish and deliberation about which route to take today, across the Kootenay Pass or taking a ferry and coming down the shore of the Kootenay Lake, I finally decided upon the ferry ride, after all I can climb many hills at home, but a ferry ride is always a treat, especially a free one. This decision turned out to be a good one as I started out very tired as a result of more noisy rain, snoring tent neighbours, noisy crows and train drivers who like sounding their horns in the middle of the night.

According to Curtis (an unlikely source if ever there was one) this house is made from the old ferry which used to cross between Balfour and Crawford Bay.
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After getting up just after 5, not as a desire to have an early start but having given up trying to sleep any more, I was on the road at about 7, and the early morning mist slowly burned off to reveal some beautiful scenes on the way to the ferry, as well as a sighting of another camera shy otter. When I got to the ferry Curtis was already there, and almost choked on his tongue trying to tell me about the 5 women who had been running their hands all over his body only minutes before I arrived. Had it not been for the photographic evidence he showed me (see I would never have believed it. After being bored by his exploits I had just enough time to devour the best apple cake of the trip I have had so far, at a bakers by the ferry terminal at Balfour before crossing to Crawford Bay.

Early morning view on the way to the ferry.
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Curtis' serious face whilst contemplating the meaning of life at a lunch stop at the Lockhart Creek Park (with cup of tea).
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Unusually, Curtis and I decided to ride together the remainder of the day (we usually ride alone doing our own thing, and meet up again in the evening), and we shared many laughs following the shore of Kootenay Lake to Scottie's RV Park and Campground in Creston, $24 for the site with free showers and wifi, and a very nice place too.

A house made from old bottles.
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Jacquie GaudetEmbalming fluid bottles, to be more precise.
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5 years ago
A room with a view; the Columbia Brewery in the background.
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Today's ride: 73 miles (117 km)
Total: 2,472 miles (3,978 km)

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