Bow Island to Schuler - Tea for Tim - CycleBlaze

June 9, 2012

Bow Island to Schuler

My route planning pretty much consists of talking to people on the way and listening to suggestions, and deciding that way where to head next. At the beginning of this journal I said I was going to Calgary to see Woody, but it should be fairly obvious now to anyone who knows the area that that isn't happenig - he's away until the end of the month. Somehow I have ended up in Medicine Hat. Again. A city I spent lots of time in in 1994.

Looking back towards Bow Island in the early morning light.
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The "Sin Bin", in downtown Med Hat.
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After an early start I rolled in to Medicine Hat about 10 o'clock, after nearly 40 miles which included catching a "roadie" who had passed me. After catching up on web stuff with some free wifi and a coffee at a burger place, then a little sight seeing and memory jogging I headed out on the 41A hoping to buy some groceries on the way out. It soon became pretty obvious that i'd missed the last stores, so after a few miles headed back into Medicine Hat for lunch and supplies.

Considering Canada's tough stance on smoking, I am suprised this building in Medicine Hat is still standing.
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When I left town again, it was through very empty prairie that I finally rolled into Schuler, the first sign of life, at about 4, with tiring legs. After riding around and seeing no store (which I was later to learn is very common in these rural communities as a result of Walmart and the other big chains), I saw some guys working on a house and stopped to ask if they knew of anywhere I coud put my tent for the night.

View from the road, heading north.
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One thing led to another, and although I had an offer of some grass to camp on, I soon found myself entering Medicine hat for the 3rd time in a day, in Cal's work truck with bike in the back, having been convinced that my chosen route was maybe not the most exciting. Armed with a new direction to cycle in, I went back to Cal's place for some beer, a meal, and great company and a soft bed to sleep on.

Today's ride: 82 miles (132 km)
Total: 2,902 miles (4,670 km)

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