November 9, 2023
Hack and HAC
(Note, in case you wonder why this has been updated. With Jen’s help we found another pair of HAC meets. I think this is the full set of meetings of the complete group now.)
Today’s my special day, and I show up at the dentist’s door promptly at eight after having downed a bowl of granola at home and an almond croissant and coffee at Lovejoy Bakers. A smarter man might have hopped in the car and headed over to Stepping Stone Cafe for a last three egg omelet or some mancakes, but that timeline made me anxious at the thought that I might be held up and be late for my appointment.
No point in detailing the extraction, which isn’t nearly as interesting as the ablation procedure. If you’ve ever had an extraction yourself, you know the drill. (A little gag there - they don’t use a drill. Just some standard issue pliers, like you can pick up at Ace Hardware. We could have saved Team Anderson about 2,000€ by picking up a cheapo pair and letting Rachael yank it out at home).
It all went well, though the whole time she’s twisting and tugging on the tooth I’m listening to the unnerving excavation sounds and tensing up waiting for the pain to come, but it never really does because they’ve numbed me well. Afterwards they fill up the crater with bone graft and then follows an extensive period of stitching it into place, with the threads of the sutures periodically tickling my cheeks. I’m in the chair for a little over an hour, and the lion’s share of that time is spent suturing. The extraction itself doesn’t take long at all.
Afterwards I’m given my marching orders, with emphasis on protecting the site so that the grafting material stays in place until I’m back in two weeks for my follow up and suture removal. In the meantime: take my antibiotic, use the mouth rinse without sloshing it around, no interesting foods, no strenuous exercise, no alcohol for a week(!). Fun. If I’d known all this beforehand I might have opted to take my chances with the infection.
First, some background for those of you who are newcomers here or have forgotten who the HAC group are. The group was founded back in early 2018 by some Portland dissident troublemakers, all of whom had been recently banished from a previous cycling website because the webmaster deemed us to be Hostile Actors and no longer welcome there.
I’ve lost count of how many HAC meetups have occurred since our initial gathering on March 11, 2018 at Bruce’s house, with the group joined by special guest stars Jeff Arnim (the CycleBlaze webmaster, in case you’ve forgotten) and famed bike traveler Willy Weir, accompanied by their significant others, pets and offspring. Here here are a few shots from the past, showing how excellently all of us have held up over time.

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1 year ago

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So we meet again. There’s been quite a bit of eChitChat leading up to the meeting, mostly discussing teeth and food. The original concept was some takeout pizza, but with at least half of the group unlikely to be able to eat it that idea slid off the table and was replaced by Bruce’s famous guacamole, some tempting crunchy snacks that I can’t enjoy, and Bruce’s jar of extracted teeth he’s been carrying around for decades because that’s just what he does. (Really, Bruce collects and saves everything. You might ask him about his trophy bowling shoes someday).
The gathering is as always excellent, with much laughter, discussion of current events and future plans, and reminiscing. It’s a club we’re proud to claim membership in, and we feel lucky to be surrounded by such friends again.

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1 year ago
1 year ago
She was concerned about the weird black stuff at the front of the lovely snack tray.
1 year ago
1 year ago

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1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago

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I think you’ll agree that the ceremonial ringing of the great gong was memorable that it’s worth seeing from more than one angle.

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1 year ago
1 year ago
Scott and Rachael shared some stories about meeting up with you and The Feeshko. Did I get that right? I think that is not your wife's name .. and I don't remember the story.
Anyhow, it was great to hear about the fun the Andersons have had getting together with you two and I hope we'll get to meet you, too!
1 year ago
And I love the happy colors of your house as the background for this photo.
1 year ago
You're right about The Feeshko not being my wife's real name. I could write a 10,000-word essay about The Feeshko's name, but I'll spare you and provide the condensed version:
When we met in college, she told me her name was Alice, so I called her "Alice" for a couple of months. After dating and becoming more comfortable with her, I started calling her "Alicia." She seemed to like that, so a while later, I re-named her "Alficia"--you know, just to keep things fresh. Over the next year or so, the name evolved from "Alficia" to "Feeshia" to "Feesher" to "Feesh." Incredibly, despite all the names, she agreed to marry me. Shortly thereafter, it became "Feeshko," which stuck for the next thirty years. Only after I started writing on-line bike touring journals did I add the "The" to "Feeshko." I thought it would be a clever gimmick to keep people wondering, "is that her real name?" It would be my little secret.
For years, I've been surprised that only one or two people have asked that question. I figure it's okay to tell you the secret story since Scott & Rocky have hardly any followers, nobody is inspired by their routes, and nobody reads their journals. (LOL!)
One more story I can't resist telling: Back in the 1990's, I had an employee who had been working for me for about three years. During that time, he had met my wife many times, but everybody in the store always called her "Feeshko." One day, an old friend stopped by and asked how Alice was doing. I started telling him about my wife's activities and, after a couple minutes, the aforementioned employee spoke up. "Wait! Who's Alice?" After three years, the poor guy only knew her as "Feeshko."
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
I love the creativity and playfulness!
I wish I'd been there to see your employee's face as he tried to figure out who Alice was.
Tell Feeshko that Mrs. Grumby says hello.
1 year ago
I haven't passed your "Mrs. Grumby says 'hello'" message to The Feeshko yet, but I'm sure she'll be happy to know that there are other Cycleblaze personalities with goofy alternate names.
One more thing: I noticed there are now 17 comments attached to this single photo of the HACs. That's got to be a Cycleblaze record.
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
Also, I should have known you spoke Ojibwe.
1 year ago
I grew up with my father telling us we most certainly had Ojibwe blood, not a lot of it but some. He had no proof, however, and then a few years ago my brother did the ancestor testing thing and alas, no native blood. Not a drop. I thought for sure my love of canoeing was in my blood.
1 year ago
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1 year ago
Those really set the tone for this Time of Hilarity and Merriment!!
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
You’re right. I love this group. It makes me feel really grounded when we reunite like this. I’m really glad too to have a record of it like this to fill in the increasingly common mental blanks..
1 year ago
1 year ago
"I was rinsing and spitting like there was no tomorrow!"
1 year ago