Mondoñedo to Vilalba - Spain, a Paleolithic Twist - CycleBlaze

September 16, 2024

Mondoñedo to Vilalba

Up high with the windmills

Climbed 1600 feet of our 2100 foot day in the first 6 miles or so. A slow stead incline up and up from our hotel. We took N-634a to N-634. There was a large shoulder most of the time but large trucks and fast moving cars do speed by. They are very courteous giving us more than the minimum meter and a half. I wonder if the US would consider adding another foot and a half. 

Bob resting in the bus stop shelter recovering from the climb.
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Partway up the climb, windmills in the distance.
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Side road off the main highway.
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Hills and beautiful farms a long the way. Note the green house.
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Closer to the top. By the time we reached the height of the climb the windmills were even with us.
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Another farm.
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We spent the night in a Hotel Restaurant that was not open on Mondays. Sounded like there may have been another room occupied later that evening. We met the proprietor at 3pm. He showed us to our room and had ham and cheese sandwiches waiting for us. Coffee or tea in the morning at 9am. Breakfast at 10.  

Today's ride: 28 miles (45 km)
Total: 105 miles (169 km)

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