Cudillero to Luarca - Spain, a Paleolithic Twist - CycleBlaze

September 13, 2024

Cudillero to Luarca

Switchbacks and Hairpin Turns

No rain!!!! Weather in the mid 60s, very cool in the shade perfect in the sun. Route:N- 632 up out of Cudillero then a short distance to N-632a u til it ends and runs into N-634. 

Looking back at Cudillero as we leave town.
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Interesting rock formation.
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After riding up a steep winding incline up to N632 we rode along N-632a most of the day.
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N-632a was a beautiful route. For the most part it follows the Camino de Santiago or North route of the Camino.
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When we weren’t climbing up switchbacks in forests we were flying down taking care on hairpin turns. The road connected small, colorful towns located above the ocean.
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Colorful houses. Favorites seem to be red, blue, green and yellow ochre.
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A beach down below with camper vans.
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Luarca has a river running through it.
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There’s a cool old bridge in the background. Buildings are built into the side of the rock hills.
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The ebike is hanging in there. To save power for the steeper inclines I’ve been conserving power and trying to stay in the two lowest levels of assist and using my lowest gears. The bike came with a double chain ring in the front and nine gears in the back. My partner has had to do some cross training (walking) on some of the steepest climbs. We climbed 2700 feet today. 

Today's ride: 31 miles (50 km)
Total: 194 miles (312 km)

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