Arrived in Santiago de la Compostela - Spain, a Paleolithic Twist - CycleBlaze

September 20, 2024

Arrived in Santiago de la Compostela

Pilgrims and more pilgrims

Today we mostly followed the El Camino signs into Santiago. At several points we were behind groups of bicyclists. At others zigzagging through crowds of pilgrims. The closer we moved toward Santiago the thicker the crowds grew. There were lots of folks celebrating on the plaza in Santiago when we arrived. 

Groves of trees with peeling bark. App didn’t identify them.
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Same trees further away
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Same trees, younger
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For much of the day we were on the Camino
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Cathedral of Santiago
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One group of pilgrims we met were part of a tour. Our greetings led to realizing some were from Florida and others from the same town in Ohio where Bob went to high school. 

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We’ll spend two nights here in Santiago before catching a train  to Madrid and a flight back to Florida. A light rain began as we were entering Santiago. 

Today's ride: 33 miles (53 km)
Total: 33 miles (53 km)

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