Vallon - Ruoms - Balzac - Vogué - St. Sernin - Vallon - Poking Around Europe 9.0 - Switzerland and France - CycleBlaze

September 20, 2024

Vallon - Ruoms - Balzac - Vogué - St. Sernin - Vallon

Rail Trail with a Big Bump at the End

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Another terrific day. We slept in and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. The company of Frank and Martine from Belgium was terrific. They have us sold on Belgium for a future trip. Then, thanks to our lovely host Marie, we were able to do laundry in a real washing machine!!  What a treat that is, as every touring cyclist knows. We felt very relaxed and by the time we got rolling  it was noon.

Route planning for the day.
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Then, laundry in the machine, I joined the CN.
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Patrick O'HaraNice! What a great place to chill.
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3 weeks ago
Keith ClassenTo Patrick O'HaraIt certainly was. Our favourite accommodation this trip. Would give it a 10 out of 10. Stay here if you ever make this way.
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3 weeks ago
Finally ready to go.
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The first part of our ride, from Vallon to the rail trail was on a fairly busy D road. Always respectful drivers, but more traffic than we like these days. Once we were on the greenway, it was terrific. I noticed another way back to Vallon from the greenway, showed the CN and stored it in my head for the return trip. More on that later!

Doesn’t get much better than this.
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Ruoms was lovely. We rode through the market, buying some grapes for the road, and toured the central village.
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Approaching the Main Street.
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Lots of people out enjoying the day.
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Future wine here folks.
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The greenway itself was just so pleasant. Excellent surface and views or tree tunnels or real tunnels all the way. 

Vineyards all day long.
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An overpass (there were many of these) and into a tree tunnel.
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Rachael AndersonI love these bicycle trails with the short tunnels!
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3 weeks ago
Isn’t this a magnificent way to light up a tunnel?
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Anne MathersHow very cool is that for tunnel lighting. Just one step more and they could have added all the colours of the rainbow.
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3 weeks ago
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Our next stop was Balazuc which was just off the rail trail and a hilltop town. It was amazing, the views and the age of the place. 

A wall of rock across the valley.
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The setting alone was worth the minor climb.
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We saw so many bikes today.
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In this shot all but ours are an e bike. A few looked more like motorcycles.
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This one was huge.
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Ancient stuff.
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Keith in Balazuc.
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Following Balazuc the rail trail continued to be outstanding. There was another tunnel, lit in the same way and more great views. Next up was Vogué, our favourite spot of the different villages. So much so we stopped here for ice cream riverside. 

Keith in the distance.
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Looking down into a gorge from a bridge.
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Views of Vogué from the rail bridge.
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Patrick O'HaraWow. I can just imagine people living here 10 000 years ago.
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3 weeks ago
View from the lower river bridge as we came into town.
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Arriving down by the river.
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Not sure what this used to be.
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Suzanne GibsonI see a millstone, so it was probably a mill.
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenThat makes sense. Thank you.
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3 weeks ago
People were swimming.
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The bridge exclusively for bikes and pedestrians we came into town on.
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Our ice cream stop.
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We shared.
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We went about 4 more km into St. Sernin and then agreed we needed to turn around. We decided just to boot it back the way we came until we came to the bike sign I had made a note of earlier in the day. The CN agreed to go that way, and it was the bike route, but!!!  Part of the reason that we put in 630 m of climbing on a rail trail is that this section was crazy. 

No pictures and the CN is still recovering his equilibrium. He had plotted a flat route back avoiding highways and evidently he told me that. I believe him…I just obviously wasn’t paying attention and wanted to avoid the darn highway. 

I have been using the greenway brochure and map tonight to get the names of the communities right. Imagine my shock when I read on the brochure (I have translated) “ATTENTION:  In the La Lobière sector the slope is severe with sections of 10 and 12%. It is useful to check your brakes and be in great physical condition or rent an e-bike.” In my defence, the whole brochure is in French so that is how I missed that detail. I am already laughing about it but it may take Keith a few days!

We walked back into town for a quick pizza and beer. We will sleep well tonight. 

Today's ride: 63 km (39 miles)
Total: 793 km (492 miles)

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Patrick O'HaraWhat a great day. Looks like you had a perfect weather day. Great scenery.
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3 weeks ago
Jacquie GaudetAl always “lets” me do all the route planning so it can never be his fault it turns out harder than expected. I enjoy it, though. The hardest part is cramming it in to the time allotted. I want to go everywhere!
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1 week ago