Thonon Les Bains to Annecy - Poking Around Europe 9.0 - Switzerland and France - CycleBlaze

September 10, 2024

Thonon Les Bains to Annecy

Two Bumps Over to Annecy

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Today’s weather couldn’t have been more different from yesterday. We woke up to blue skies and a perfect temperature for bike touring. After our usual lingering breakfast we pointed the bikes down the hill and we were on our way. As always, a little later than we might have liked. 

Cutest breakfast room ever.
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The ride was tremendous right from the start. We followed the lakefront path for as long as it was headed in our direction, and then the CN routed us towards Annecy on a series of quiet D Roads. The scenery was beautiful and the weather was grand. 

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The lake was much calmer today.
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Keith figures this would be the perfect vehicle for his drives to the golf club. Pretty darn cute.
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Another great car.
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We stopped in Annemasse for our picnic lunch in a small park with a bench. Annemasse was much bigger than we were expecting and riding through the city wasn’t exactly scenic.  Then suddenly we were in hairy eyeball traffic. It really was nuts. I have no idea how Keith navigates when things are that wild but I managed to stay on his back wheel and when we were finally back on our quiet D Road he stopped and we both started to laugh. We high fived and congratulated ourselves on being alive. 

Back on the quiet road.
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Cute couple.
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UFB. Unidentified flying bird.
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Rod BlastIt‘s a red kite.
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1 month ago

The first shorter climb began after Annemasse. It was a marked route to a Col, but after a few km we swung off although we continued to climb. I missed the French col signs after that. I love how they state the average grade each km and they help you mark your progress. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. 

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A reflective photo of Keith.
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You read this stuff and it breaks your heart.
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The second climb was the more significant one as it was longer, however both climbs were moderate grades. I am guessing a bit but I would say five to six percent with a few pitches more than that. At the end of the day we had done 1128 meters. 

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We were finally headed down and I was loving the big swoop on the quiet D Road but Komoot wanted us to try gravel riding. It’s trendy. I wasn’t terribly enthusiastic. It sure wasn’t intended for fully loaded touring bikes.  It would have been fine for mountain bikes. 

I mean seriously. How did I let him talk me into this?
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Rod BlastI agree completely. Bg painin the a.. in front of you.
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1 month ago
Rachael AndersonI hate those kind of roads!
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1 month ago
Brett ClassenGood to see you're getting into gravel riding!
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1 month ago

We have been to Annecy before but this route was new to us and we were really happy with it. Approaching Annecy itself was fine, bike lanes almost all the way, however there was a lot of car traffic as it was rush hour and the number of bikes was amazing. At one point we went whipping around a roundabout and realized we were headed straight for a significant tunnel. We can’t be the first to make that mistake as there was a bail out, and the cars behind us seemed sympathetic to our plight. 

Another opportunity to be reflective.
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Rod BlastYou two are doing great. You did San Gottsrdo!!! Respect.
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1 month ago
A Route Baree. We find these are just a suggestion in France and got through no problem.
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Karen PoretGrampies approved!
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1 month ago
We are close but not mixing it up with the cars yet.
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Our only disappointment with the day is that we decided we would like to stay for two nights and the hotel is fully booked tomorrow. We can always change properties, or we may keep heading south. We have been out for a delicious dinner and are ready for some sleep.

Today's ride: 81 km (50 miles)
Total: 302 km (188 miles)

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Rod BlastWow!! 81 km to Annecy. You‘te my heroes. Good luck on your trip and thanks for sharing.
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1 month ago
Patrick O'HaraNice. I hope its warm enough for a swim in the lake when you arrive!
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1 month ago
Anne Mathers81k? Yikes, you two rock. The scenery is absolutely gorgeous.
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1 month ago
Doug TurnerThank you for all of the great photos and descriptions of your ride which are providing uplifting conversation and hope, over the usual cursing and political discussions, among your many golf buddies back home. Ride on Keith & Kathleen.
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1 month ago
Rachael AndersonThat’s a long ride! I’m glad you made it there safely!
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1 month ago
Karen PoretTo Anne MathersI did 72 k.. but in rain.. 😬.. you win!
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1 month ago
Scott AndersonI can’t stand it. We’d love to see Annecy again.
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1 month ago