St. Remy de Provence Loop Ride - Poking Around Europe 9.0 - Switzerland and France - CycleBlaze

September 27, 2024

St. Remy de Provence Loop Ride

Vincent Van Gogh

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We had a great breakfast this morning. A combination of great choice and personal service.  Such a relaxed way to start the day. We mapped a loop ride over breakfast, and started with St. Paul de Mausole Hospital where Van Gogh spent a year of his life. 

Our hotel, Le Mas Saint Joseph.
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The pool.
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Karen PoretOoh! I can do laps :)
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2 weeks ago
Look who was sharing our room this morning. We convinced him he would be happier outside.
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Bill ShaneyfeltA short horned grasshopper. Possibly Egyptian bird grasshopper, but that is only a guess. There are many similar short horned grasshopper species, and they all have an incredible variability.
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2 weeks ago
Karen PoretI thought you liked grasshoppers, Kathleen ;)
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2 weeks ago
Karen PoretTo Bill ShaneyfeltIs it short horned because one antennae is actually shorter? ( showing my ignorance on identification, Bill..)
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2 weeks ago
Bill ShaneyfeltTo Karen PoretHa!
No. Compared to katydids and other types of grasshoppers its antennae are shorter.,Some%20are%20quite%20colorful.
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2 weeks ago
Karen PoretTo Bill ShaneyfeltThanks, Bill! Now I am officially bugged out 😬
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2 weeks ago

What an interesting visit the hospital was. We both found it absolutely fascinating. The exhibits were well presented and we spent far more time there than we had anticipated. The kitchen was really well restored, and then I read the information that it had been a set in a movie. Whatever works!  It was learning more about Van Gogh and his life there that was the main event though.

Statue of Van Gogh in the courtyard.
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The church.
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Starry starry night.
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We thought we were back in our beautiful Arles hotel room.
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The dormitory.
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Straight jacket in the cell within the hospital.
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The bathroom.
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Van Gogh had a private room.
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We saw a Bike Friday at the hospital and met Nancy, who is from Georgia (the state) and riding solo. Another super encounter with a like minded individual. To our astonishment she recognized us from our journals. 

Nancy and I.
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We checked out the gardens that so inspired Van Gogh.
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Rose blooming next to an ancient building.
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I have loved Van Gogh’s work since I was in my teens.
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Loved these details.
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Next up was Glanum. You can’t escape the Romans here. It was a bit underwhelming after everything else Roman we have seen, but right next door to the hospital, so well worth a quick look.

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We another surprise encounter, completely unexpectedly. We were on our way out of town for our loop ride when Keith made a hard right and a sudden stop. Look who is here!

We knew we were seeing Andersons tonight, but running into them as they arrived in town was pure and joyous serendipity. Had we been a few seconds earlier we would have missed them!
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Rachael AndersonWhat a great photo of us, how lucky we ran into each other!
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2 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenI still can’t believe it and am so glad it happened.
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2 weeks ago

So after that happy meeting we were on our way. It was a great ride. We decided to go as far as Chateaurenard and then loop back. The roads were virtually car free, the riding was easy and the temperature was perfect. 

Eyragues where we had lunch.
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White horses.
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Crops in the fields.
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The chateau in Chateaurenard.
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A bird! We couldn’t resist taking a picture of a picture. We will keep our eyes out for a real one!
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Scott AndersonEurasian jay!
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2 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Scott AndersonThanks Scott. Now to try and spot a real one!!!!
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2 weeks ago
Scott AndersonTo Kathleen ClassenThey’re not uncommon, but you’ll have to be lucky and don’t expect a good look because they’re elusive. Typically I’ll see them flying across the road, a flash of blue on a bird about the size of a crow, and then disappear into the canopy.
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2 weeks ago
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We think red lettuce.
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This pup had us both a bit concerned when he came running after us but was only interested in a scratch behind the ears.
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We finished our ride, tidied ourselves up and headed into St. Remy for an explore and then our date for a drink and dinner. St. Remy is having a fair of some sort this weekend, and all the rides we are familiar with and all the noise were front and center on our walk. The kids were happy, their parents were spending a fortune if it is like home, and we were glad to get to the peaceful square for a glass of wine with Andersons. 

What a great visit. We are so happy it worked out!  So many great stories and good laughs. We have to do it more often. 

Happy times! A CycleBlaze meetup.
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Suzanne GibsonWhat a wonderful picture! So good to see all your smiling faces!
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2 weeks ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesJealous much. You are just about a week and a half ahead of us. Keith, that beard is looking great!
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2 weeks ago
Scott AndersonThis was so great! Thank you both so much for biking over here to meet up with us. It was a wonderful evening and a real morale booster.
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2 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Scott AndersonIt was an equally wonderful evening for us. We are looking forward to next time.
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2 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Suzanne GibsonThanks Suzanne. It was an awesome evening.
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2 weeks ago
Our walk back to the hotel through the Midway, which had now been taken over by the teenage set. They were having fun too!
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What a day. We feel so grateful to be doing this and so grateful for good friends. 

Today's ride: 41 km (25 miles)
Total: 1,038 km (645 miles)

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Steve Miller/GrampiesTerrific that you found the Van Gogh stuff at the hospital. It is one of our favourite things in St Remy.
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2 weeks ago
David MathersWhat a great community 👍 I am so pleased that you were able to cross paths and spend time together. You’ve gotta love time on the road!
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2 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo David MathersWe were so happy it worked out. Lots of fun!
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2 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Steve Miller/GrampiesIt was a terrific spot.
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2 weeks ago