St. Martin de l’Ardeche to Vallon Pont d’Arc - Poking Around Europe 9.0 - Switzerland and France - CycleBlaze

September 19, 2024

St. Martin de l’Ardeche to Vallon Pont d’Arc

A Top Ten Ride

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What an amazing day. It started with a great breakfast in the Hotel Bellevue in St. Martin. It was a fabulous place to stay. We highly recommend it. The room was perfect, the people were so friendly and helpful, dinner in the restaurant last night was another over the top meal in France. The supports for the bridges to Aiguèze are built right into the front of the hotel. 

Note the supports on the left.
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The patio in the background is where we enjoyed our wine last night.
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The view of the bridge.
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On the way out of town we made a quick stop at tourist information to say good bye to Isabelle, who was so helpful yesterday. She kindly took a picture of us together. 

St. Martin is a lovely community.
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Isabelle and I. Such a wonderful encounter.
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This was a top ten ride for sure. There were eleven belvederes (look outs) in 29 km and we stopped at every single one. The views were magnificent and the road was too. It has been recently resurfaced and was  so smooth. We followed the same track Susan Carpenter and the Maher-Wearys took last year. I reread their entries this morning and it made me excited. They did an out and back but we carried on to Vallon Pont d’Arc.  This was such a beautiful ride. 

It was spectacular from the start. About 800 metres of climbing, but always a manageable grade.
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The road was fairly lightly travelled and we were all there for the same reason. The views.
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Patrick O'HaraThis is on our list one day....
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenAnd we have found the perfect place to stay in Vallon. Couleurs du Sud. We don’t want to leave!
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3 weeks ago
Bike shot at a Belvedere.
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Kayakers and canoes were prevalent down below.
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So many twists and turns.
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Going down at this point.
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It doesn’t get much better than this.
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Then there were goats!  Loved this because it brought traffic to a standstill and it was fun. Grampies are right though…I can see how the smell of goats could put one off goat cheese. They were very aromatic. 

This must be common as Susan and the Maher-Wearys saw them too.
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These two took a liking to the sweat on Keith’s legs.
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Anne MathersYom, yom, lick, lick…what a nice salty treat for the local chèvres.
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenThe local goats were a lot of fun to watch.
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3 weeks ago
Goats galore!
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At the next Belvedere we took in the views and decided to have lunch. We met Leila and Robert from Munich who have been to Canada. Robert was wearing a Banff tee shirt that caught our attention. A wonderful conversation ensued. Meeting people when you travel is so enriching. It really is. 

Not too shabby a view for our lunch.
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What a spot.
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Robert and Leila.
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Looking back.
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The other bit of excitement at lunch was the pompiers practicing search and rescue. They stopped for lunch just as we were leaving. These men and one woman were seriously fit. Several had biceps bigger around than I know how to describe. These are the people you want around in an emergency for sure. I was also amused that their lunch attracted a veritable herd of goats. One fellow had to grab one by the horns to get him away from his lunch. 

Fit Search and Rescue type.
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A smorgasbord thought the goats. On a bike tour you never know what you will see.
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Then we were at the summit and had a great descent. We stopped part way down for a celebratory beer. I wish we had thought to take a picture. We enjoyed our beer on the patio and when I went inside to pay I felt like I had been teleported to Mexico, the music, the decor, the ambiance. 

The obligatory col picture.
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Trying to take selfies always makes us laugh.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesNice beard Keith is sporting!
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Steve Miller/GrampiesSince we are here for three nights I am gently encouraging him to shave!
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Patrick O'HaraThank you! You should see us this morning. Gorgeous setting, gorgeous accommodation and pool and it is 10:45 AM and we haven’t managed to leave yet 😂. We have a day ride planned but are very relaxed.
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3 weeks ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Kathleen ClassenNoooo. The beard looks great!
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3 weeks ago
Pont d’Arc.
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The ride was beautiful all the way into town.
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Anne MathersAre you tempted to do the paddle down river and bus back? Sounds to me like a nice lazy way to enjoy the views from the river.
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3 weeks ago

Vallon Pont d’Arc was such a surprise. We were expecting a sleepy village and it is anything but. The cherry on top is our accommodation at Couleurs du Sud. I was torn leaving our beautiful hotel in St. Martin, but this spot is amazing. A private courtyard, a pool, a huge room (the shower is bigger than our powder room at home) and a wonderful host. We made an instant decision to stay another night and set off to explore the town. There is so much to do here one could (and probably should) spend a week. Kayaking, hiking, via ferrata, biking, it is an active person’s spot. We, of course, may simply swan about by the pool tomorrow. We’ll see!

The exterior.
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The pool.
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Our room. It is beautiful. We spent time on arrival on our private terrace soaking up the warmth and toasting our good fortune with a glass of wine.
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What a wonderful, wonderful day. We are feeling so lucky tonight. 

Today's ride: 40 km (25 miles)
Total: 730 km (453 miles)

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Scott AndersonThis really is a wonderful ride. Rachael and I climbed it 30 years ago on our way back to Paris and were as awed as you sound. It really ranks up with the Gorge d’Verdun in my book. It was later in the fall when we rode, leaves were turning, and across the gorge was the baying of a pack of hunting dogs chasing its quarry.

I’ve wanted to go back ever since, and we were going to do so two springs ago, staying at that same hotel and climbing it as an out and back - I think that’s where Susan got her idea, thinking back on it. Unfortunately the weather didn’t cooperate for us and we settled for the Nesque Gorge instead.
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3 weeks ago
Susan CarpenterMy out and back thru the gorge with Steve and Ann was one of the most memorable days of my 2022 tour. So glad you had such a great ride, and wonderful weather to enjoy all the spectacular views
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Scott AndersonHaving done the Nesque Gorge, that isn’t shabby either, but I agree, this was amazing. Hoping your health is galloping along in the right direction now that you have the antibiotics.
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Susan CarpenterWe found your post inspiring which is what made us want to do it. Isn’t CycleBlaze a fabulous community?
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3 weeks ago
Anne MathersTo Scott AndersonGorge de la Nesque… makes me swoon at the memories of it. That’s worth a do-over any time!
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3 weeks ago
Anne MathersWhat a great cycle touring day, complete with incredible scenery, a gentle climb and a fun descent, goat kisses and another wonderful hotel to enjoy. The Ardèche is a stunning place that remains etched in our memories but sadly, our 2001 experience here was not great. David had picked up a stomach bug and it was 42 degreeI. He was sick as a dog as we rode through Valon Pont d’Arc and finished at Pont St. Esprit, with his head down the whole way. It just might be time for us to re-visit it.
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3 weeks ago
Rachael AndersonWhat a great day!
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Anne MathersWhat a shame. It really is worth a return visit. We are leaving to see it from the bottom up shortly. Curious, where did you go after Pont St Esprit? We are leaning towards south then west to keep enjoying this great weather. Rain tomorrow regardless though.
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3 weeks ago
Anne MathersTo Kathleen ClassenWe rode to Lyon from there.
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Rachael AndersonIt really was. All those people down below drifting down a placid river. We were sure wrong about that!
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3 weeks ago