Belfort to Mulhouse - Poking Around Europe 9.0 - Switzerland and France - CycleBlaze

October 12, 2024

Belfort to Mulhouse

Almost in Germany. Schnitzel and Apple Strudel Ahead

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Look at that profile. Today was about as easy a day of riding as it is possible to get. We fortified ourselves with a good breakfast and started out, with a temperature of about 8°C. I had so many layers on I looked like a little butterball. 

But first Keith had to drag me out of our beautiful hotel. Look at that ceiling.
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Karen PoretReminds me somewhat of my childhood when I used to stare at the ceiling of the City of Paris department store in San Francisco, CA. It is still in “my mind”, but your photos are a great rendition!
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3 days ago
The lobby.
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The grand staircase.
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The facade. All this luxury for 100 Euro. It would be five times that in Victoria.
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Rachael AndersonThat’s amazing that it’s so inexpensive! I imagined it would have cost at least twice that much.
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3 days ago

It was a glorious place to stay. Historic, but completely up to date. A spacious room, wonderful staff, and a very European feel. We had to go though, so the CN led us out of Belfort on a beautiful riverfront bike path. 

What a great way to start the day.
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The riverfront path led us right to EV 6, and from there great ride continued. At the first we rolled through small villages, and then agricultural land followed by a huge park. There was lots to look at and a few surprises. The French army for example. 

Crossing a bridge.
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Stealth shot of the French army. We were pretty sure if we asked to take a photo the answer would be a hard no. They were carrying very serious guns.
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We ended up seeing three groups all together, all looking stern and carrying weapons that convinced us not to linger.
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A wee little castle. For a minute I thought it was a Lego creation.
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More lawn art.
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Bill ShaneyfeltIf you think it looks like something, it could be a pigment of your imagination...
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3 days ago
Another surprise was the Belfort TGV Station quite a way out of Belfort. At least it seemed a long way from a cyclist’s perspective.
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Beautiful farmland.
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Through the park area.
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Swans are always worth a picture.
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A bike path done right.
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This was gorgeous today, and the flowers are past their best. Imagine in July!
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Then we were on the Rhone Rhin Canal. It was just lovely. Lots to look at, no navigation issues and a relaxing, relaxing ride. Which was nice, because the day was refusing to warm up in any significant way. This was a surprise, but not a problem. 

And we are off, rolling, rolling down the canal.
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I would like to try this. Skis on wheels. We chatted with this man who said they were fine on the flats and uphill, but dangerous going down. Sounded about right to us! It sure looked like fun.
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Kirsten KaarsooYes, I have not used them but they have no brakes! The local biathletes have many a road burn story. At the local nordic centre the signs about who has right of way on paths alway have the roller skis having priority.
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2 days ago
Kathleen ClassenThat is really interesting, and especially the part about right of way. Thank you for sharing. It looked like such a fun way to get exercise but I would probably be too scared to get to any speed that would be exercise!!!
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1 day ago
Boats galore.
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The reflections were beautiful.
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Image not found :(
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More swans.
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And more boats.
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Our picnic lunch bench at a lock.
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After lunch the temperature seemed to drop, and it started, as the CN likes to put it, pleuting. Not heavy rain, but enough to stop under the next bridge and add another layer, the Goretex. We both agree it is easier when it is cooler than too hot. There are only so many layers you can remove in the heat before it becomes scandalous!

Our rain shelter. The reflection in the water made it look like you could walk across.
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We rode past Dannemarie and had a good laugh. It was where we had one of our more memorable stays in France on our very first bike tour. It did beat sleeping under a bridge though. You can read about it here:

The next morning after our memorable night, we met Pierre’s wife ( we thought there wasn’t one) and discovered that he had all the latest technology. Never assume!  We have told the story for years. La chambre bleue. We will never forget it 😂. 

We have learned a lot about booking accommodation since that memorable day!
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Jacquie GaudetJust reread your account. We carry headlamps; they are useful for finding the way to the bathroom at night in unfamiliar accommodation. Mine has a red lamp option so easy on the eyes.
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2 days ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Jacquie GaudetThat is a great idea. They would also be useful as a supplement light if caught in the dark, something we have been lucky enough and work hard to avoid!
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1 day ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Kathleen ClassenI tried that once, putting the headlamp around my handlebar bag. Acceptable in an emergency, perhaps, but not particularly functional. We carry proper headlamps for tunnels, bad weather, and in case of getting caught out after dark. Al uses a daytime front light as well, but my handlebar setup doesn’t allow that.
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15 hours ago

It rained off and on the rest of the day, but never the kind of rain that makes you look for shelter. I came to a screeching halt on my bike when I passed a man wearing full Canada. Flag on the front of his jacket, CANADA printed up both sleeves, and that is how I met a former coach of the Canadian Women’s National Volleyball Team. What fun!  I asked him where the team was based and he said I wouldn’t have heard of it, Richmond. That is when I told him I was from Victoria. Richmond is right next to Vancouver so we had a good laugh. He was there for two years and is now in France coaching. I completely forgot to take a picture which was dumb. It was a great chat, shorter than I would have liked because I had to chase down the CN. 

Cutest peloton ever.
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A church in Zillisheim.
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We are seeing the German influence in this region.
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Another reflective moment. We match the background rather well
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Beautiful bike and pedestrian bridge.
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And another boat.
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Then we were in Mulhouse. We had discussed going further today, however, while having a coffee in the beautiful old town, it really did start pleuting in a big way. It was very short lived but we decided to stop, explore and enjoy. We have a great hotel, have had a traditional Alsatian dinner at a spot recommended by the hotel (my choice came on an absolute mountain of sauerkraut), and it was another great day on the bikes. 

A huge pedestrian area and lots of people enjoying it despite the rain.
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Impressive church on the main square.
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Karen PoretLove those organ pipes :)
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3 days ago
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We are looking forward to tomorrow’s ride. 

Today's ride: 65 km (40 miles)
Total: 1,641 km (1,019 miles)

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Patrick O'HaraWe had a beer right there just 8 weeks ago. Strange.
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3 days ago
Keith ClassenTo Patrick O'HaraDarn - we just missed you. Poor timing!
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3 days ago