Alès to Uzès - Poking Around Europe 9.0 - Switzerland and France - CycleBlaze

September 23, 2024

Alès to Uzès

Such Peaceful Countryside

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What a difference a day makes. Today was blue sky and sunshine with only the occasional puddle to indicate there really was a storm last night. We took our time this morning as it was a short day to Uzès and with a sunny forecast, we had no sense of urgency at all. 

Leaving Alès was straightforward for the most part. We were in a protected bike lane along the river and only had one small glitch. The CN turned right about 15 m early and we found ourselves on a busy narrow road on the wrong side of the tracks, literally. We solved that problem by riding back down the sidewalk to get back on route. 

Alès looked just fine in the morning sunshine.
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Looking down the river.
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Once out of town, which happened very quickly, the ride was fantastic. Keith tried a new to him app called Cycle Travel and the route it choose was perfect. Tiny roads, no traffic, and in this part of the world anyway, lovely vistas. 

Just outside of town.
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Beautiful vistas.
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Lots of vines and olive trees.
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I rather fancied this place.
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New construction. They build to last here.
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Bob KoreisTraveling through Italy I was surprised to see those tower cranes used for home construction.
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2 weeks ago

We were routed through small villages and along the quietest of roads. At one point we both stopped to comment on the fact that there wasn’t a sound other than insects and birds. Incidentally I saw more grasshoppers today than I have seen in years. Hopefully another win for the planet. 

We felt like the only ones around.
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Patrick O'HaraThese moments are what cycle touring is all about!
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3 weeks ago
Karen PoretAnd the grasshoppers ;
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenTo Karen PoretI loved the grasshoppers! Brought back some childhood memories.
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3 weeks ago
Karen PoretTo Kathleen ClassenThey are the critters that ( mostly) eat the plants;). As a child they would be fun to watch..point taken!
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2 weeks ago
A typical little village.
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I have forgotten the name.
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An old windmill? A sculpture? We weren’t sure.
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Scott AndersonDefinitely a windmill.
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3 weeks ago
Karen PoretTo Scott AndersonA one blade-er …
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3 weeks ago
Scott AndersonTo Karen PoretActually a zero-blader, I think. That’s the vane.
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3 weeks ago
Karen PoretTo Scott AndersonThat’s a “ sharp re-tort” in your favor, Scott 🤣
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2 weeks ago
These were beauties.
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We had it all to ourselves.
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Looking up, but we didn’t ride up.
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Blue sky and quiet roads.
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And so it went. An incredibly car free ride. We did do some more trendy gravel riding, but the app told us where and how far. It makes all the difference in the world to me if I know I have 2 km of gravel, rather than wondering if it would ever end. 

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Another gorgeous spot.
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My new first choice for a house in France. The landscaping and architecture were superb.
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Patrick O'HaraAlmost like you're in Tuscany.
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3 weeks ago
Kathleen ClassenIt was gorgeous. Also très cher, I am quite sure.
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3 weeks ago
Rachael AndersonWhat a beautiful spot!
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1 week ago
Love the trees.
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On trend in the gravel.
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Bob KoreisAt least I'm not seeing potholes like on the pavement.
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2 weeks ago
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See the lake? There were lots of big puddles in this section. As for the pushing, safety first!
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Then Keith met a horse who took a real fancy to him. This was such a fun moment. 

Here is his new fan.
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Leaning in for a kiss.
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Random old stuff on a hill.
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It really was a great route. We stopped in a small town for our picnic lunch. We had one more gravel section but the total distance on gravel couldn’t have been more than 2.5 km. So Cycle Travel for the win today. 

More trail puddles.
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Bob KoreisOkay, maybe I rescind my comment about no potholes on the gravel.
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2 weeks ago
Waiting for the CN.
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Karen PoretMaybe he’s still “horsing around” ( submit groan sound here)
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3 weeks ago
The villages were all beautiful.
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Then suddenly we were on a bike path next to the road leading into Uzès and then down some quiet side streets until we popped out right at the old town. After such a quiet and bucolic day it was almost a shock. People, cars, trucks and ice cream. We scored some of that right away. Then off to our hotel where we arrived just ahead of a bus load of giggly girls from a Dublin High School. They are running up and down the halls laughing, squealing, slamming doors and generally having a very good time as I write this!!!  Should be an interesting night. 

We spent our evening exploring Uzès, having a glass of wine in the center, dinner outside by the pool at our hotel and soaking up the warm weather. Here’s a surprise. The chief photographer took very few pictures of this beautiful place. 

The Cathedral.
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We met these two young women from Winterthur in the square. We had a great conversation about our shared interest in biking.
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Anne MathersYowza’, those are big loads they’re carrying.
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3 weeks ago
One of my favourite things to do in Europe. Have a glass of wine and people watch.
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Patrick O'HaraIt's our favorite thing to do too. After a long day on the bikes, what ending is better than sitting in a town square, have a relaxing drink and watch the world go by. Bliss.
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3 weeks ago
On our way back to the hotel.
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Today's ride: 43 km (27 miles)
Total: 887 km (551 miles)

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Rachael AndersonAnother great ride!
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1 week ago