Setting Up the Cashflow - One For the Books - CycleBlaze

Setting Up the Cashflow

Epic cycle tours need epic cashflow.  This gets very difficult if you're an expat in China due to the disconnect of the economies.  Put simply it is very difficult to get money out of the control.  Fortunately I have a company paying me in dollars outside of China so this simplifies things enormously.  Still, the cashflow can and does get complicated.  Part of the process is managing all these bank accounts in various countries.  At some point they'll block a card once they find out you live in China, that's just how the game works and you need to deal with it.  

The original plan for this trip was to ride a bike through the desert from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.  That plan ended up being scuttled at the last minute due to these cash flow issues.  But some of it was salvaged.  Since I'll still be in the area doing some other business, an idea came to mind to venture into Mexico and open an US dollar account which apparently pays high interest.  

The rest of the trip will be hopping from one country to the next to sort out all this cashflow stuff and enjoy some untold adventures along the way.

The last two weeks will be where most of the cycling takes place in Thailand.  As for all the other details, well stay tuned, it's gonna be an epic adventure with a practical purpose to it all.

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Scott AndersonHey, good luck this time! Are you planning on going through Death Valley this time? It’s an incredible place. We’ll be there ourselves next month.
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5 years ago
Phit SteveHi Scott thanks. Actually I ended up changing things a bit and the focus of the trip is more on Thailand now. Besides cashflow problems, I wasn't up to the idea of dealing with things going wrong in the desert, and will out that ride off unfortunately
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5 years ago