To Budapest, by way of Slovakia and Eger - Mar y Tierra Around Spain - CycleBlaze

September 22, 2023 to September 23, 2023

To Budapest, by way of Slovakia and Eger

Friday was a three-country day - Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. We packed up in the morning and departed Krakow after two fun-filled days and three nights in this great city.  Wonderful food and music, time with lovely and curious people, fascinating history and architecture, and an entertaining day on the bike. I'm here for it all.

We spent Friday morning driving into the mountains of Slovakia. There's no need to pull out the passports at the border of these former iron curtain countries. You're in the Schengen zone, just drive on in. My first clue that we were in a new country was when Verizon texted me to welcome me to Slovakia and remind me about the particulars of my international calling plan. 

It rained off and on through the day. Now and then the light broke through, giving a nice glow to the green landscape.

Quite a comfortable bus with 48 seats for 28 passengers.
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Slovakia was a nice change after the flatter terrain of Poland. Not sure what the blue stripe is, some digital weirdness.
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Enjoying some downtime
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The sun came out during our stop in Levoča and it was nice to have some time to walk the town. Levoča sits on one of the pilgrimage routes through Europe to Santiago de Compostela. 

Basilica of St James
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The Cage of Shame, a 16th century pillory, used to punish women caught walking the streets without a man after dark. The mayor's daughter was the first woman locked up here for breaking curfew. She was in for 48 hours, twice as long as the usual time because Papa expected her to set a better example.
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In Levoča
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Scott AndersonThis brings back regrets about our tour from Krakow 25 years ago. The plan was to bike south through Slovakia to Budapest and then on to Salzburg, stopping at Levoca and Eger on the way. We turned back at the Slovakian border because the roads were just too dangerous for us back then.
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8 months ago
Janice BranhamTo Scott AndersonA hard decision, but essential to pay attention to that voice in your head. We bailed on the Oregon Coast after a day of riding the 101 in the rain with all the trucks and TVs thundering by. Live to ride another day.
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8 months ago
Scott AndersonTo Janice BranhamI do hear. Lot of voices in my head! It’s hard to keep the characters straight at times.
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8 months ago

We had dinner in Eger, Hungary and spent the night there at the Hotel Kodmon. 

Quite an elegant dinner in Eger with our friendly travel companions.
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On Saturday with a couple hours left to drive to Budapest there was time to explore Eger, in between more intermittent rain showers.

Dobo Square in Eger
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Market day in Eger is all produce, unlike the big free-for-all markets we remember from our first experience in Europe last year.
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The little guy on the strider was having a blast. His brother on the bigger bike not so much.
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View of Eger from the terrace at the Astronomical Museum
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In the afternoon we visited a school in Eger and talked with some fifth graders who are learning English. They were friendly and curious, all have cell phones, and like to ride bikes!  From there we enjoyed a wine tasting at a local winery and learned a Hungarian dance, I think. My recall of that outing is rather fuzzy.

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Kathleen ClassenA school visit! I would have loved that.
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8 months ago
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We arrived at the Museum Hotel in Budapest in time for a dinner I didn't really need after a lot of sitting around, but getting there was fun and the city is beautiful at night. Peter, our guide, passed out 72 hour passes good for all forms of public transportation - the Metro, tram and buses. We'll use them all over the next couple of days.

Learning the ropes on the tram
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Danubius Fountain symbolizes the four major rivers in Hungary. The Zeus-looking dude represents the Danube; the three women are the Tisza, Drava and Szava.
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St. Stephen's Cathedral
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While we've been rolling south through Central Europe the last couple days, the Tile trackers in our Bike Fridays report that they have made it to Paris for the night on their way to meet us in Montpellier in a week. Good to know the kids are alright.

Looking forward to exploring Budapest tomorrow, and some open time Tuesday for a nice long ride along the Danube. Can't wait, I need some exercise.

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