Navigating the Airlines - Grampies Iberian Inquisition Spring 2023 - CycleBlaze

February 27, 2023

Navigating the Airlines

(Not again!)

OK, so we decided to go to Iberia on a bit of a short notice. And yes, we arranged to drop in on family in Montreal on the way (and on the way back!), and sure, we are dragging giant bike boxes, and one extra duffle bag to boot, and yeah, we are going to Porto and not Lisbon or Madrid or Barcelona. So airlines, what's your beef?

It's not really that the airlines have any problem with us. At least not beyond  some wanting to know in advance that those bike boxes are coming, in order to reserve space on board. It's more like they see us coming and are rubbing  their corporate hands in glee, as they prepare to fleece the hapless travelers. And each airline has their own set of pickpocketing tools. To get to Porto and back we have had to deal with four of them: Air Canada, TAP Portugal, Air Transat, and Westjet. You can see they are just making up their charges by guessing what might earn them the most. 

Of course if you do a basic search for some trip in something like Expedia, you immediately see it all laid out, as some flights to/from the same place will be two, four, or more times the price of similar flights. And some total times to get there can be two, four, or more times other durations. 

All that is grist for Youtube videos, or industry analysts, but we are writing here about what it has meant to us, for cycle touring. The underlying fact is that our Victoria-Porto return cost has come out to over $5000, and that compares to about $2000 and $3000 on some past European trips. What is going on?

We begin by looking at the various airlines playing with us, just within this one trip. To go outbound from Victoria to Montreal,  Air Canada got $955, while Westjet collected $765 to bring us back over the same route. On top of this, each wanted the same amount, $130, for the two bikes and one bag, But that's a 25% difference in charging between the two airlines, (admittedly in the reverse directions and on different days.)

Much more noticeable are the rapacious practices of TAP Portugal Airline. Most itineraries into Portugal end up eventually on TAP. For Montreal to Porto they got $1300 (one way, two people). That compares to $930 coming back the other way, with Transat. That's a 40% difference! What's more, TAP demanded (and got) $188 for each bike, and $110 for the checked bag  ($486)! Transat did the bikes and bag for $249 - not cheap, but fully half of the TAP charge for the same service!

All of the charges mentioned are what we came up with after extensive searching and twisting, to minimize the cost. But there is a limit to how low the cost can get, when so many astronomical prices are what you are facing!

Looking at the over $5000 air travel charge we got landed with this time, we began to look to the future, and what costs would be if we planned differently, and earlier. What we generally found was that it would be cheaper to book well ahead, to fly to a place like Frankfurt, or at least Madrid, not Lisbon, Porto, or Malaga. And of course, not dragging the bikes along would mean that we could easily and cheaply make our way to Vancouver to fly from, rather than Victoria, and then we would also not be eligible for outrageous bike charges from airlines. 

Twisting this way and that, the cost for us to reach Europe for cycling is still $4000-6000 for most variations. The rock bottom cheapest right now would be to book well ahead for Frankfurt, take the bus to the airport in Vancouver, and pick up our bikes at our friends in Leipzig. That would be $3250, which is still 15% more than the Grampies paid in 2022 when "Searching for the Meaning of Life".  Perhaps the universe is trying to send us a message? No, we prefer to believe that it is only that is sending these messages!


We compiled the figures for this page last night, from our actual bank records and from Expedia searches last night. Today I thought the boring all text page would be livened up by an actual frightening Expedia search. So I ran one just now -and lots of return trips popped up at $2,100.  ($4,200 for two). That is Victoria to Porto with little lead time - pretty cheap?  Now I really don't know what to think.  What's more, our friend Marsha wrote yesterday that we should lay over in Toronto, so she could come see us. The flight shown has 12 hours in Toronto.  Could have been great!

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Kelly IniguezI am doing that song and dance right now! I hear your tunes. Isn't it amazing, how prices can change on airplane tickets and hotel rooms?

We purchased our tickets in November, for June, to Madrid. Let's see how much I like bicycling out of a big city.

Now I am on to lodging. We've had two places ask us to make deposits to their bank accounts. I'm just not comfortable that those refundable reservations will really be refundable!

You know the old saying, "You can't take it with you."
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2 years ago
Scott AndersonFlight costs are definitely spiking Our upcoming round trip to Palermo and return from Bologna was under $2,000 USD on United, Lufthansa, ITA and Air Canada; but we booked it over four months ago. Our September one-way flight to Bilbao cost nearly the same, and it’s only one-way. We’ll definitely need to start looking ahead and price shopping. We need to start figuring out where to go from Malaga and looking for flights.
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Kelly IniguezTravel costs are definitely going up. It is not only the flight costs, but also fees for bike transport, luggage fees, hotel rooms, etc, etc. I know you only live once but oh my!
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Scott AndersonNext trip we will need to start booking as soon as we return from this one I guess. It certainly increases the work and stress, not only the cost.
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2 years ago
Tricia GrahamWhen I booked our upcoming European trip we had a credit from our aborted 2020 trip. Rebooking on what was basically the same itinerary has cost us 26% more. Yes airline prices are going up! Flying from Canada sounds like a bargain to me here in NZ
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2 years ago
Jacquie GaudetIn planning my hoped-for trip to France this fall, I originally wanted to make a stopover in Montreal to visit our son who moved there last year. It seemed that that would increase the cost of my flights by over CA$1000, for which I could just make a separate round trip to Montreal unencumbered by a bicycle. That said, I just got a notification from Google flights that the cost of the least-expensive round trip fare Vancouver-Montpellier has just gone up by about CA$200 (not quite 20%).
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Jacquie GaudetWe also have built in stops in Montreal in both directions to visit grandkids (and their parents). It adds to the cost but we do love those kids.
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2 years ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Steve Miller/GrampiesI'm wondering if it would be best to book a round trip to Montreal surrounding, so to speak, a round trip to Europe from Montreal. The only negative is possibly having to pay for checking my bike four times instead of twice. I might try building that into next year's trip.
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Jacquie GaudetMontreal airport has a concierge service that will hold your bike at the airport for $20/day. They take it packed and put it in a back room. We will be using this service this time around. We can be the guinea pigs and you can see if it might work for you.
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Tricia GrahamIt is all relative of course, but wow, those price increases sure feel like gouging to us. Flying to New Zealand is looking increasingly out of our league. It is a good thing we can (hopefully) meet up in Europe this fall.
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2 years ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Steve Miller/GrampiesOoh! I'll be definitely looking forward to your report!
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2 years ago