I’m not gonna lie, but I’m dragging. I haven’t been eating enough, with no real appetite and sulphuric burps telling me I’m still carrying whatever I picked up coming into Honduras. Throw in the early starts, heavy weather, black exhaust, poverty, litter and warm fruit and I’m finding it difficult to maintain my enthusiasm for this adventure. If I were younger and collecting memories this would be exciting, but I’m not and it isn’t. I’m going to try to sleep in tomorrow, with only short hop to Leon planned and then a day off. With luck I might be able to find an oat milk latte there and get my mojo back.
Monument to the agitators. I’ve seen very little political kitsch, just FSLN flags at government offices and an occasional statue like this. I don’t think the socialist experiment worked
Today's ride: 43 miles (69 km) Total: 3,675 miles (5,914 km)
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Karen PoretSo depressing, David. I honestly would get out of there asap and retry someplace else. Not fun, not healthy, and not doing you any favors no matter how you try to frame this. You are the most important person trying to make the best of this tragic way of life you are so fortunate to not be living all of the time. I do hope you get better! Reply to this comment 10 months ago