It’s less than 90 flat miles from Villahermosa to Palenque and three months into the tour that should be easily doable in one day. But the air here is so thick and viscous that moving requires much more motivation and effort than in other climes. Today was the hottest yet, reaching 100, and I had no problem quitting at the first, and only, town before Palenque. I rode the few miles off highway to get to Macuspana proper for dinner, but I’m staying at the motel next to the highway. Partly because it’s a lot nicer than anything in town, but also because it means I don’t have to start the day backtracking.
I was in no hurry this morning, and found bike paths to the coffee houses
David ChavezIt’s true, I’ve noticed a patina of surliness ever since arriving on the coast. It’s only an illusion that goes away as soon as there is conversation, but there does seem to be a dearth of smiles. It’s not easy to smile when it’s 100 degrees and 100% Reply to this comment 1 year ago