6/8 Imlay City - Milwaukee to Albany 2024 - CycleBlaze

June 8, 2024

6/8 Imlay City

Breakfast at Tim Horton's! Ken and I started at 8:40. Wind from the west pushed us along. The Southern Links Trail was awesome. 10 miles or so. Today was a bit hilly compared to Thursdays ride. 

We were on a bumpy unpaved road and some rough paved roads. More beautiful clouds today.

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We had a pretty good  average speed going until we got to the washboard dirt road and heavily patched paved roads. Nice weather... I didn't need a jacket.

John G wanted to go to church in the evening. It was 8 miles away. The rain started about the time he headed off. The Church's schedule apparently had changed and there was nothing happening. He rode back in heavier rain and was a bit wet. We got him dinner to go, so at least he had some food. The restaurant was packed.

Today's birds include Green Heron, Belted Kingfisher and Eastern Bluebird. 

Today's ride: 50 miles (80 km)
Total: 299 miles (481 km)

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