6/19 to Lockport - Milwaukee to Albany 2024 - CycleBlaze

June 19, 2024

6/19 to Lockport

Temps expected to reach the mid 90's. Often we would start early to beat the heat. Today's ride was scheduled to be 34 miles, which would take 3 to 4 hours. No need to get to the Hotel at 10 or 11, and so we started at 9. We retraced 15 miles from Monday's ride back to the Erie Canalway. Then 20 miles on the canalway, which was sometimes roads and sometimes trails. There were 2 spots that were not signed and confusing.

About 6 miles before Lockport, I recognized an ice cream shop from riding here in 2021. We were still pretty early and went downtown and stopped at a restaurant I remembered eating at where we got some beverage. I went back out for a few more miles after lunch from the support vehicle that was served at the hotel.

It was a nice and uneventful ride. We will be seeing much of the same scenery until the end of the trip as we make our way along the canal.

Clouds and our 2 organizers
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Big clock. Duh.
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I am not sure why Mr Mister is in this parking lot but it felt nice.
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We all left in 4 groups at slightly different times and took various stops, but, about 10 miles in, suddenly 10 of us were all together on the Tonawanda Rail to Trail.

I am almost certain that I am in the exact same room from last time at this hotel. Lockport Inn and Suites.

Today's ride: 48 miles (77 km)
Total: 702 miles (1,130 km)

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