To Bolzano - Follow My Heart - CycleBlaze

June 22, 2024

To Bolzano

A spectacular day. Overnight rains cleared the air, leaving blue skies, moderate temperatures and low humidity. Perfect conditions for continuing my trip up the Adige River to Bolzano. I was very excited to get started so I left without a real breakfast - my lodging offered only a coffee machine and a couple of pre-packaged pastries. I downed two espressos, one pastry and was off – planning to stop at the Bicigrill about eighteen miles up the road.

 The ride was everything I’d hoped when planning this section of the tour – cycling along an excellent path under blue skies surrounded by mountains. Added bonuses were terraced hillsides dotted with small villages and rows of fruit trees lining the trail, mostly apples as far as I could tell.  I stopped often for pictures, intent on making up for the last few hazy days.

A sunny blue sky morning on the Adige River, swollen by the overnight rains
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Scott AndersonYes, that’s better. Nice to be able to see the skyline again.
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2 months ago
Happy and helmet-less, just for the photo :)
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Patrick O'HaraSuch a stellar cycling class!
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2 months ago
Susan CarpenterI continue to be blown away by the infrastructure in place on these long cycle routes, and the thousands of cyclists who enjoy them. “If you build it, they will come”
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2 months ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Susan CarpenterFunny, that’s what I say too. Not only do the cyclists come, they spend money!
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2 months ago
Lots of fellow cyclists enjoying this glorious day
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Apples, Asparagus and Alps - I'll give the day an A+
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There was also community garden space along the Adige
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Cycling toward San Michele all'Adige
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The overnight rains did more than give me a glorious cycling day, they also added to the volume of water churning in the Adige River – it was high, muddy and fast moving. In fact, it had risen so much that a large section of the cycle path was closed. I met Terry and Diane at the barrier entering San Michele all'Adige – an Aussie couple heading toward Trento. We had quite a lovely chat and then I took off, following the yellow detour markers as it led me away from the river and onto a small road that wound through miles of vineyards. I’m not sure what I may have missed on the cycle path, but the detour route was the best stretch of the day.

Terry and Diane, a lovely couple from Sidney on a self-guided tour from Merano to Riva del Garda
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Flooded cycle path ahead
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A look back at the flooded path - and the muddy Adige
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The detour route was splendid - Tour des Vines
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Snow on distant peaks
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Another great vista is just around the bend
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Entering South Tyrol, a region that was part of the Austrian Empire until turned over to Italy in 1919, at the end of WWI. Though a part of Italy, German is the language spoken by the majority of people, and town names are in both German and Italian
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The detour ended at at Salorno sulla Strada del Vino, the next bridge upriver from San Michele. I took another detour into town for lunch, a pretty mediocre tomato and mozzarella on stale bread that soothed my hunger pangs. Then it was back on the road – twenty more miles to Bolzano. As I pedaled along, enjoying the fine surface and glorious scenery, I started to wish for curves, terrain, and pass-through towns. The afternoon heat must have awakened the masochist in me.

I met Oliver and Sabrina just before the detour ended in Salorno - they convinced me the gravel double track was a much more scenic way to town.
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In Salorno sulla Strada del Vino
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Salorno sulla Strada del Vino
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This Cormorant was a surprise - I saw two gulls land on the pipe and was zooming in on them when I saw this black bird fluttering. I thought at first it was some sort of "twirling bird scarecrow" to keep other birds off the pipe (don't ask for a reasoned axplanation). The flutter turned out to be this fella rapidly opening and closing his gullet - sort of panting. Do birds pant? This was just one of the serious questions I contemplated as I pedaled along
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Scott AndersonYes, some birds do this as a way of cooling down, including cormorants. In birds it’s called gular flutter.
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2 months ago
Susan CarpenterThanks Birdman!
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2 months ago
Another amusing activity while pedaling along a river
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It seemed as if the houses were floating above the black netting
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The road to Bolzano
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The route into Bolzano was a breeze – another city with an extensive biking infrastructure, and one that has seen significant upgrades since I last visited in 2021. I’d booked a room in what was essentially a dormitory/hostel just two blocks off the bike path, a small room with a single bed but sufficient for my needs. I cleaned up, rested up, and dined on Indian food. I retreated to my small room, fully satisfied with both my meal and an extraordinary day of cycling.

My small room had two tiny pictures on the wall, each about the size of a large postcard. Any ideas as to who/what this is would be greatly appreciated.
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In Bolzano - might there be another storm coming?
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In Bolzano
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In Bolzano
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Piazza Walther, Bolzano
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Duomo di Bolzano
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The spire of the Duomo di Bolzano
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Today's ride: 42 miles (68 km)
Total: 1,423 miles (2,290 km)

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Carolyn van HoeveWhat a glorious day that looked to be! So glad you're getting sunshine at last after your very wet spring. I think we need to plan for Italy next time!
And to let you know I've changed the beginning of our tour through France (en route to Spain) based on your & TA's enthusiasm for the route through Rocamadour. Instead of catching a train to Orleans from Paris, we are now catching a train to Souillac and then cycling your route in reverse to Bordeaux :-)
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2 months ago
Robyn RichardsTo Carolyn van HoeveThis sounds like a great route!
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2 months ago
Susan CarpenterTo Carolyn van HoeveI hope you enjoy the route as much as we did, and that you have less rain!! And a reminder that we missed a turn going into Sarlat, entering the city in a road I would not recommend!
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2 months ago
Carolyn van HoeveThanks Susan ! I’ll have a close look at the GPX file I downloaded from your journal.
Wishing you many more days like you had today!
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2 months ago
Susan CarpenterTo Carolyn van HoeveThanks Carolyn, and let me know if you have any questions about the route. Wishing you a wonderful tour
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2 months ago
Rachael AndersonWhat a great day but be wary of that masochistic tendency especially in the heat!
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2 months ago