To Magny - Skipping About the Continent - CycleBlaze

May 26, 2022

To Magny

The day started with a hearty breakfast of our own making. Suzanne and I made the bakery run for baguettes and croissants while Rachael made coffee and took egg orders. Scrambled for everyone, to go with the strawberries and yogurt purchased yesterday. What a treat. Janos insisted on cleaning up, with a little help from Scott, and I retreated to my room for packing up.

I planned to leave for Magny at nine whereas the others were not departing for Vezeley until ten. We both had short distances today, but I’d promised to be in Magny in time for lunch, where a roasted chicken would be waiting for me. Packing went quickly and I was ready to depart about 8:40 - a little earlier than expected so I texted Rachael and knocked on Janos and Suzanne's door.  Scott and Rachael came down to see me off but very unfortunately, my early departure caused me to miss saying good-bye Suzanne and Janos, whom Scott said had gone for a brief look-see into town. I could/should have waited, but I was anxious to get going as there were many ridges to cross before reaching Magny. I regret that my anxiety overtook me and left me without proper good-byes to two extraordinary cycling companions and friends. 

"Best breakfast in France" smiled Janos as he buttered his bread
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Rachael carefully making sure that Scott doesn't get more than his share of eggs - he's looking to compensate for the pint-sized almond croissant he ordered
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It's been real - see you in Paris!
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Rachael AndersonI love the photo!
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2 years ago
In my haste to leave, I didn't get farewell hugs or a photo of Suzanne and Janos - so here is one from our first night in Beaune.
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The day was cloudy and a bit cool as I headed west on quiet roads that wound up and over the ridges of the northern Morvan. It seemed strange to be riding without my CycleBlaze buddies but I soon got back into solo mode, consoling myself with thoughts of roast chicken. In spite of my anxiety, I made good time – there was only one climb steeper than 12% and I had several long stretches where I could fly atop small plateaus. Near the top of the last ridge, I paused for pictures and took a look back at the road I’d travelled. It was an inflection point in my Burgundy rendezvous, a transition between new and longtime friends. Though the day was chill and cloudy, I was feeling warm, sunny and very fortunate at having so many special people in my life.

Alone again, on a long road to Magny
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The rural countryside along the northern edges of the Morvan is full of open fields and small towns
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The roads winds from one low ridge to another
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You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, especially when he has a itch to scratch.
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A misty rain began to fall as I was leaving Girolles
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A wonderful stretch of twists and turns between ridges
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The hay is in the barn
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The hay is in the field
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Looking ahead to the final ridge of the morning
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But first, a dip down into Brassos
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A look back at the road I'd travelled
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Not long after cresting the last ridge, I spotted the square steeple of Église Saint-Potentien in Châtel-Censoir and was soon back in familiar territory. Châtel-Censoir is the town closest to Magny with shops, a train station and a weekly market that was in full swing as I passed through. I crossed the Canal du Nivernais and the Yonne River and made the short climb into small hamlet of Magny where Christine greeted me with her winning smile and big hugs. I’d made it there with enough time for a quick shower before a quintessential French meal of roast chicken, pomme frittes and flambée bananas.

 After lunch, I took a long nap, my body tired from the last three weeks of cycling. When I finally awoke, Christine and I enjoyed a long walk through the fields above her house, catching up on the six months that had lapsed since our trip to Baie de Somme last fall. I had a light dinner and headed upstairs for more sleep – I must be getting old!!  

Approaching Châtel-Censoir
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Market day in Châtel-Censoir
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Crossing the Canal du Nivernais
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No bike-chasing vicious dogs at this house
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A most welcoming smile
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Got chicken?
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Home-fried pomme frittes
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Late afternoon walk in Magny
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Follow the road, even if you're not sure where it leads. There are good people everywhere
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Today's ride: 18 miles (29 km)
Total: 1,196 miles (1,925 km)

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Suzanne GibsonWonderul to read about your first day solo again. I couldn't look at the pictures yet, our wifi is weak. Hopefully tomorrow!
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2 years ago
Lucy Martin🎵Many ridges to cross…🎶
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonThat’s a lot of climbing!
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2 years ago