Gravel Adventure - The Sisterhood of the Traveling Jersey - CycleBlaze

June 3, 2024

Gravel Adventure

Polson to St. Ignatious; dodging rain, avoiding Hwy 93!!

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Ready to Roll
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Yesterday, when we arrived in Polson, all soggy and too early to check into our motel, we went to a cute coffee and bagel/pastry/frozen yogurt shop to warm up and dry out. While there Jim struck up a conversation with some friendly locals, who, when they saw today’s planned route, advised him to revise it to stay off Hwy 93 as much as possible, and most specifically as it crossed through the Ninepipe National Wildlife Refruge south of Ronan, since the Hwy lost its shoulder in that area. So Jim, Route-Master that he is, did just that, and came up with a route that criss-crossed over the highway a few times, but only had us riding on it for about 1 mile all day. However, he did warn us that he couldn’t vouch that these small local roads were all paved. But that is part of the adventure, right?

Our motel offered a minimal continental breakfast, which we eschewed in favor of a hot breakfast at Betty’s, right next door.  It was drizzling as we walked over there right as they opened at 7 am. Not being much of a breakfast person, I ordered from the “Children and Old Farts” menu and got the perfect amount of food. 

We rolled at about 8:30, once it had stopped raining and we could see some patchy blue sky to the west. Amber drove and rested today.

We left Polson via a bikepath that ran parallel to Hwy 93.  There were some lovely views looking back towards Flathead Lake, as we climbed a bit higher than the road. Still north of Ronan the bike path petered out and we then followed “Old” Hwy 93 for awhile.

After Ronan we began our revised route, first on one side of the highway and then the other. The side road surfaces varied, from old concrete to broken asphalt to crummy chip seal to eventually gravel. All in all, we probably rode about 12 miles of gravel today, much of it pretty washboarded and containing water-filled potholes.

Although it was hard on the bum and the hands, the gravel was fun! I have new Gravel King tires on my bike and, I have to say, I am now a believer that tires make a big difference, because I really enjoyed today’s ride. It also helped that the views were stunning, we saw some wildlife, (swans, ducks, deer, hawks,) several herds of horses, (Quarter horses, Arabs, and possibly Mustangs,) cattle and a herd of Bison. Although there was an occasional car out there, it was very quiet when we stopped and Rich commented he could hear the cattle from a long way away.

The road was  paved about 3 miles outside of St. Ignatious and it was downhill into town.

Still too early to check into our “cabin,” we had lunch at the Old Timers cafe. The servings were generous and I had leftovers. It also rained for the first time since we left Polson while we were inside enjoying our lunch.

Once it stopped, we rode the additional 1/2 mile and crossed the highway once again to the only accommodations we could find - Creekside Cabins. It is 6 or 8 converted rooms adjacent to a gas station complex right on the highway. The room is fine, if a bit rustic, but the highway noise is pretty bad. Hopefully it dies down later tonight.

I am looking forward to tomorrow’s destination-Quinn’s Hot Springs. I am so ready for some soaking that doesn’t involve rain!

Last look back at Flathead Lake
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Jim examines the pavement outside of Ronan. It reminds him of home.
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Gravel, as far as we can see…
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Rich, handling the gravel just fine
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Great scenery!
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Whimsical yard!
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View from our room; sharp contrast to last night. Note: It is pouring.
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Today's ride: 35 miles (56 km)
Total: 212 miles (341 km)

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