January 24, 2023
Adjusting the plan
In my previous entry, I mentioned that we'd made all but one booking. We wanted to stay at La Casa di Montalbano in Punta Secca, the B&B in what was Montalbano's apartment in the TV show. When I contacted them and asked about their rates in March/April, the price they mentioned was a little above our usual budget, but reasonable. They also said they weren't taking bookings until January 9. I emailed again but only really saw the part of the response that said bookings opened January 23. Okay, then. But when I tried then, I learned that the B&B would not open until April. Time to rethink.
We could find another place to stay in Punta Secca, but was there any other reason to go there in March? We looked at the route I'd planned to get there, highlighted in green as "scenic" on my Michelin map, but which seems to now be a road through land covered in greenhouses as seen on the rwgps satellite view. Scratch that!
Where to spend those two nights instead? We narrowed that down to Ragusa or Scicli, where we already had one night booked because Punta Secca to Noto via Ragusa, Modica, and Scicli was just too far for one day. Then, if we were going to stay in Ragusa, why not do a day ride through Modica and Scicli and find a different route to Noto?
So here's the revised plan:

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Just seven weeks until departure!
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Also, you’re staying in Grammichele and then biking through Caltagirone on your way to Piazza Armerina? We must be a hit or near miss there also - we’ll be in Caltagirone for three nights on 3/30-4/01.
2 years ago
We are in Randazzo April 16 and 17, moving on to Troina on April 18. We'll pass through Nicosia on our way to Sperlinga on April 19.
Earlier, we'll be in Grammichele April 5, going via Caltagirone to Piazza Armerina for two nights on April 6. You'll have moved on by then, it seems.
I'm not sure what Racpat's dates/route are.
2 years ago
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