Tent Yoga/ sleeping bag, calisthenics - Across the US on Steel and Titanium - CycleBlaze

June 21, 2023

Tent Yoga/ sleeping bag, calisthenics

Tent yoga, and sleeping bag calisthenics

I don’t think we’ve discussed the nature of my camping techniques. About two years ago I started doing some light yoga to try to become more flexible. After injuring my knee and having Clunk installed, I stopped, and only concentrated on my knee. It’s amazing how you lose flexibility in only a few days let alone 14 months. I promised myself I would do some stretching every day while on this ride. I often promise myself foolish things like this. So in the place of my yoga exercises I have developed  tent yoga.

Tent yoga is the act of crawling in and out of a two-man tent at the age of 65 with a stiff back, inflexible hips, and a knee prosthesis. And it also involves getting dressed and undressed in the cramped space of a two-man tent, as well as trying to climb out of said tent without getting mud and dirt all over everything. I am surprised at how flexible my hips have become after practicing these techniques on a almost daily basis. Of course, at my age one has to be very careful as certain positions can trigger intense spasms and contractures that can be quite painful.  I’m talking major Charlie horse cramps!!! 

As you may know, cycling involves a linear sort of motion of the legs and torso. The upper body is used for support, but really doesn’t get much of a work out. To solve that problem I’ve come up with sleeping bag calisthenics. My sleeping arrangement consists of a Mylar covered bubble wrap to insulate the ground over which a thin inflatable mattress is laid. Next comes a synthetic sleeping bag liner which can be zipped up to the neck and which has a fold into which one can place a pillow or use to cover one’s head. For this particular trip I brought two summer sleeping bags. Each is rated to a temperature of about 45° but really 55 or 60 is practical. I hope to get rid of one of them once I reach lower elevations and warmer temperatures. Both of the sleeping bags are mommy style and can be zipped all the way up to the neck however, I use them as quilts. I only zip up about 2 feet at the foot end, slipped my feet down into that cavity and covering up the rest of my body like a quilt. If you were to use the sleeping bag zipped up in the usual fashion, the portion that you’re lying on is compressed and has no loft and therefore no warmth. Additionally, when it is cold like it has been for the past week one does well to keep ones clothing for the following day inside the sleeping bags so they stay warm.

Sleeping bag calisthenics begins when I slide into the sleeping bag liner and try to zip it up to my neck. After that I must slide my feet into the first summer sleeping bag pulling it up to my neck and then into the second summer sleeping bag pulling it up to my neck. Then I have to figure out which of tomorrow’s clothing will go on my left side and which on my right. And of course, there is the small inflatable pillow that I use between my knees to keep my friend Clunk from twisting and hurting.  This is all pretty straightforward and only takes about 20 minutes of twisting and squirming to get things the way they are comfortable and warm. Of course, after about 45 minutes which ever hip I’m lying on starts to hurt and I need to rearrange my position. This involves rearranging, not only my position, but also whatever clothing I have stuffed around me for tomorrow, as well as the overlying sleeping bags which act as quilts. This can be tricky since the quilts, the liner, and the inflatable pad are all synthetic and slide places that are undesirable. As you can imagine, I am often not eager to change positions and will suffer uncomfortable hip pain until I can’t stand it any longer. At this point the calisthenics of repositioning begins all over. Thankfully most nights I’m so tired from riding that I fall right back to sleep after this exercise regimen. That is until I have to pee. 

Type Two Fun at its best!!!

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Frank SowaGetting old is THE GREAT ADVENTURE !!!! 65 ...ha you are a young pup !!
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11 months ago
Frank Sowasend pics of tent yoga ... i think u may have found a new fitness craze, u can start your own You Tube channel and create programs with certification levels ..... YOU WILL BE AN INFLUENCER !!! (or whatever those ding dongs are called)
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11 months ago