Day 6: Big Day! - Shifting gears on the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. - CycleBlaze

August 24, 2024

Day 6: Big Day!

Today started with the good news. The power was back on and that meant the showers were back in service. We both got cleaned up and we were on our bikes about 7:15 headed for Big Fork for groceries and some breakfast. The town was about  a 5 km ride so it didn’t take long before we were at the store. The town itself on the way in had a very cool western feel. 

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I wandered around the store trying to find the things I had for food ideas. And then hit the bakery for a cinnamon bun and coffee that we enjoyed right inside the store with our bikes right beside us through the window. 

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After eating we biked into the downtown area but we didn’t stop and explore. It would be very easy to use a lot of time at diners and just walking around all the cool places we are seeing but we knew we had a big day of riding so we took a few photos and got going. 

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Peter was brilliant on the maps again and found a way where we could ride a nice trail elevated above a river rather than retracing our steps and riding a section of highway. 

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After that we were on our way on a quiet paved side road and we had two deer decide to jump a fence and cross the road right in front of us. It was impressive to see that close up and they were across the road in a flash. It’s a good thing because a lot aren’t that lucky. We’ve seen several casualties along the roads. And they are incredible amounts of them. Today we saw somewhere between 20-30 and no evidence of bears except one scat pile on a highway which was strange. 

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The scenery today was less interesting than other days. We essentially climbed and descended in the woods all day. Starting a 9 AM we were having lunch at 12:15 after already climbing 875 m over 52 km. We dried a few things while we ate and got back on our bikes for a long afternoon of climbing and descending. 

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We kept checking the maps and trying to get a rough idea of when we’d finish at our desired camp destination. It ended up being a big push, although not as energy zapping as the second largest climbing day. It could be we are getting stronger as we go. One can hope! 

Lunch wraps - guacomole, black beans, rice, and cheese. I’ll have 3 please!
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Lunch trailside.
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We made camp by 6:30 and super hungry although we were eating all the way and pushing electrolytes. We’ve been very fortunate with the weather. Today was about 18 C at elevation which is a great temperature for riding. 

More downed trees.
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Peter trying to figure out how to get over the tree
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We are having a great time on the trip. It absolutely has a rhythm to it that’s enjoyable. We rarely stop doing something for very long. I brought a deck of cards that are yet to be used. Mornings are usually about packing up in the cold and either eating something quickly or approaching a new town soon. Days are completely filled with riding and the every other day groceries, sometimes every day. While riding we stop for short breaks but mostly for either filling water bottles or emptying what we’ve consumed. 

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Travelling by bike is incredibly enjoyable because you see a lot more than from a car. Today I was gazing into the forest and spotted a deer laying down for a nap. And the physical exercise certainly drives positive feelings. 

Today we made very good progress for distance and elevation gain. There was fairly significant wind damage and we had to hump our bikes over them. We worked together and lifted one over at a time. It could have been a lot worse considering the wind storm. 

The camp is rustic and designed for people travelling and camping with their horses. And apparently they are territorial as we heard an argument when other RV campers tried to set up their camper. “This is a pack camp! Do you live in Montana!?” Fortunately, a couple of dirty bikers were allowed. 

Distance - 125 km / 1923 m elevation gain


-Big Fork town, grocery and bakery

-Having the 2 deer jump a fence right in front of us

-Lunch was tasty

Today's ride: 125 km (78 miles)
Total: 725 km (450 miles)

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