Seavo is powered up and raring to go - The Bartletts Bike the Baltics - CycleBlaze

May 15, 2019

Seavo is powered up and raring to go

Upon reflection, our stay in Oenha has exceeded our expectations. Not   only did  Seavo have a great and productive day with Rolf and Christopher, we also experienced warm hospitality, met nice people, had fun riding trikes and discovered a new region of Germany. 

Breakfast with delicious eggs on bacon at Pension Kleeblatt.
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In the village of Oenha, no one spoke English , except Rolf who did very well with his high school English. Google Translate is not perfect, but it really helps to communicate in these situations.
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Gastatte/Pension Kleeblatt - a good place to have been for a few days
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We had arrived with some trepidation not sure if Seavo could be fixed. Replacing the Controller was an educated guess by Oussam at Akkurad and we hoped that the problem would not be more complicated. Once we settled in to our Pension and met Rolf at his bike shop, we knew that we were in good hands. His experience with retrofitting motors and recumbents, and his open minded approach gave us confidence that he would find the problem, no matter what.

We are going to ride in the direction of Berlin,  but there is no pressure to make much distance today  as tomorrow we will be heading to Fitchenwalde, near Beelitz , to stay with Karin, the sister of our friend Kurt from Saltspring Island, for a few days.  After that we will pass through Berlin.

It felt so good to get on Seavo again  and head out with the pedal assist Bafang motor that we have become accustomed to. By the time we got to Oenha a few days ago, we had become accustomed to riding without a motor, but truthfully, I know that riding the rest of our planned route  would take a toll on my aging injury riddled knees and Barry’s pesky back. So, full steam ahead!

Wolfgang was excited to visit with us. He had just retired 3 days ago and was happy to have made a return cycling trip from Leipzig to Berlin to see family. He is from Munich. Happy cycling and welcome to the special club of retirees.
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Charmaine RuppoltWhat a great smile Wolfgang has! I can't wait to have my relieved smile when I retire too!!!!
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11 months ago

The ride today was a simple one following secondary roads. We were saddened to see the evidence of a forest fire that had destroyed much of the Forest. It reminds of the challenges we are all facing  as British Columbia is already dealing with forest fires, early in the season.

The forest used to come right up to the trail. We don’t know when the fire happened but the smell of the charting of the trees lingers.
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This is a close up photo of the charred trees and the pile of salvaged wood from the fire. The devastation is vast with acres of bare ground and charred trees only on the distant perimeter.
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Arrived in Treuendrietzen and decided to call it a day. Once again the weather has turned cold and we were able to get a lovely 1 bedroom apartment in a grand old home. The owners have been lovingly restoring this property and we feel pretty lucky to be able to put our feet up and have such independence complete with a stereo (listening to jazz as I write this), bathrobes and a resident German Shepherd, Lettie. Pam, we thought of you and Wayne when we got a chance to interact with this mellow and lovable 3 year old beauty.

A cluster of historic buildings in Treuendriezten, our destination today.
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Lettie, such a well trained good dog. She knows that she is not allowed past the threshold of the guest apartment. Her one paw touches it, but she doesn’t cross over.
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Another good day.

Today's ride: 32 km (20 miles)
Total: 1,134 km (704 miles)

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Suzanne GibsonIt seems the Kleeblatt/clover leaf really did bring you good luck - that and your positive and open approach to things! Glad everything is working out, and I hope the weather improves soon. Happy pedaling - Suzanne
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5 years ago