Travel and wonderful stay - Two friends and the Katy Trail. - CycleBlaze

Travel and wonderful stay

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The day has arrived. It is 5:00 AM in the morning and Keith  has arrived, we promptly loade our bags and bikes to his car and head out at 5:30 AM as planned.  Not ever visited  Missouri, I'm really looking forward to find out what awaits.

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On our way through multiple states, we encountered nothing but rain, spotty rays of sunshine, and lots of flat land. Coming from Frederick, MD, where the mountains surround the city, I can’t deny the beauty of the flat farmland being prepared for the harvest to come. And after Keith drove us for 13 hours with as few stops as possible, we arrived in Kirkwood, Saint Louis, where his two cousins, Susan and Gwen, were kindly expecting us.

After a quick introduction to Susan and Gwen, Tiger quietly sneaked out to greet us at the driveway. How rude of me to not have noticed him. The next morning, I realized the error of my ways; just by looking at how he carries himself, I should have known to approach the one who truly rules the domain and surroundings of where I had just arrived.

Tiger in his domain
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After realizing my error, I spent the night and the following day trying to make amends by offering my petting services, not as obviously as someone else who will remain nameless (Keith).

By 2:20 PM the following day, it was time to say goodbye to such an amazing host. Susan, who has welcomed Keith and me to her house, made us feel so welcome that I can’t express my gratitude enough for such gestures.

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We should be back in a week once we have finished with our ride, but this time I’ll know whom to look for when I arrive—Tiger, of course

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