Well here we go, and there is light rain outside, and it is supposed to be this way all day. Haha. Well I asked for an adventure, and it looks like I got it. Whoa! Yep!
We will be going uphill for the first 22 miles (more than a 3rd of the ride) and hitting a couple of tunnels, and then crossing the Mason & Dixon line that separated the North and South during the Civil War. It should be really cool.
We are parking our truck at Cumberland and getting our bikes ready. It takes at least 30 minutes to get everything together.
It rained all day and it feels like our waterproof rain gear was not very waterproof. You can see that our phones were wet and foggy because it literally rained all day. :)
It took 22 miles of uphill, carrying a load, with crushed limestone, while it was raining to get to Meyersdale. The great thing was that the last 10 miles we were really moving because we actually had a slight downhill. We crossed the Continental Divide, which is the highest point on the trail, but then you have a bit of a downhill into Meyersdale. We were at a pizza place at midday and we almost ate a whole large pizza together. Wow, we must have been really tired.
Debi is soaking wet, and it is still raining. Oh my!
Coming up onto the Continental Divide which is the highest point on the trail. We were dying going up this hill, and were ready to be over but we still had another 10 miles to go, but it was all downhill. Whoop!