It Went Well! - Rise Again! Fall/Winter 2019 - CycleBlaze

January 2, 2019

It Went Well!

New knee #2 went in early this morning!

Dodie looked good tonight, demonstrating that the knee does bend, and making her first walker assisted foray to the washroom.

There were a couple of small glitches along the way (to the successful day, not the washroom!). The admitting nurse wanted to ban Dodie's Cryo Cuff (ice water sleeve gizmo that velcro's around the knee), claiming it was contaminated by cat fur. But Dodie countered that her entire person is contaminated by cat fur! 

In Recovery, Dodie was repeatedly stopping breathing, which is generally considered a disadvantage! They are still monitoring her oxygen saturation continuously and relaying the readings to ICU, or somewhere. But, it's ok.

We now know from experience that pain and swelling  starts mainly on the second day, but it was really good to see that knee flex today. I think that proves it is screwed on straight!

If all goes well, I expect we will have her home by Sunday. She says she wants to be on her trainer quickly, and to get that momentous first rotation. Last time that took three weeks, so it's a good and clear goal to shave days off that mark!

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Bill ShaneyfeltEagerly awaiting updates.
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6 years ago
Suzanne GibsonWell, that's good news! Best wishes, Dodie!
But don't push too hard for that first rotation!
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6 years ago
david alstonThat really is good news!

David and Maun
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6 years ago
Sue PriceSo glad to know it went well - and that they put it in correctly! Wouldn't be of much use if it bent the other way! Take care, Dodie!
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6 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesYes, I often joke about the possibility of walking only in circles. Hey, it's 3 days since your last blog entry - are you enjoying too much good life in Tulum?
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6 years ago