Taking Out the Trash - Rinse, Not Quite Repeat - CycleBlaze

Taking Out the Trash

If you've been following these journals for any length of time, there is hopefully a progression of events that you can pick out, a building where one theme layers on another.  In the case of the minimalism for example, a big part of that was identifying the clutter and getting rid of it.  But as time went on, this principle got deeper.  I found it also applies to people and relationships.  It may come across as very mean and even cold hearted to do this, but in my life journey I have come to realize that if these so-called friends are not adding any value to your life and they show no desire to change, they are in fact a drain and are best to be gotten rid of.

So it wasn't much of a surprise that I eventually got a message from Jim's ex-partner, my former HS friend on another social media platform after she learned that I blocked her.  She wrote in part, "Those of you who removed yourself as a friend from my life during these hards times, it's ok.  I will let you.  It is like the trash took itself out.  You obviously deleted me from your life for a reason because I didn't serve a purpose to you.  That's ok, I'm going to let you go as easily as you let me go, as easily as I take out the garbage."

There was no reason to reply to any of that.  Those two people are now past history, and there were a lot of profound lessons to be mined out of that entire exchange.  

To use another analogy, this felt like lifting two stock positions that were going nowhere and taking the loss.  It's a terrible feeling to have to eat this, but in the long run it frees up capital for better purposes.

The focus now begins to switch gears in planning for what is coming up next.

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