Otterlo to Amsterdam - Two Months of Rhine - CycleBlaze

July 20, 2022

Otterlo to Amsterdam

end of our journey

We left Otterlo in the morning when it was not hot, slightly overcast and a little breeze from the west. Perfect! Too bad its a short ride, but we had decided to take the train to Amsterdam due to the expected heat.

The ride turned out to be really pleasant. As always in Holland, great bike trail but surprising for the microclimates through which we passed. Extremely arid, then lush by turns.

When we had the luggage piled by the door prior to getting the bikes, the receptionist exclaimed "you get all that on two bikes???!!!".

you get all that on 2 bikes?
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Then quickly out of Otterlo - as it's not big - we started on this concrete pathway with a pile of sand beside. It looked arrow straight.

concrete bike path in sand
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All of a sudden we are in a forest with tall trees, the temperature seemed to drop a few degrees, and shade was welcome.

and then lush trees
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A little further and the forest was the Netherlands we thought we knew!

green forest
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Then bang. Arid and pine trees.

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Then we saw what the sand was for. We rode fast through that dust cloud, and I came to realize why you never want to be the last horse in a posse.

the dust cloud approaches!
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We came to the town of Ede, and I think everybody in town had a green thumb. I could not believe the hydranges, and these ....snowballs?

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We were exactly 60s late for the train, but there will be another in 30 minutes. See, the stuff fits on the two bikes!

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David SwordAnd the trains run on time…wow.
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2 years ago
Patrick Parnoincredibly on time. so when they come in - on the exact moment they are supposed to - you usually have about 4 minutes total for everyone to get off, and everyone to get on. then, whoosh!
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2 years ago

In the Netherlands, Spa is the common mineral water. Spa blau (blue) is non-fizzy, and Spa roud (red) is with gas. Marjory got to sit down with her bike, while I jammed up the entrance/exit doors. But we made it to Amsterdam!

spa blauw
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At the train station, there are a few bikes in the parking lot. This is a tri-level bicycle parking lot!

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We rode around town before handing our bikes into the De Vakantiefietster shop to be boxed up for our flight. This fountain has two faces (not counting Marjory!), I am not sure why. Janus?

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David SwordHand in the bikes ? To who ? Are they being shipped to Canmore ? You guys and the bikes were a tandem !
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2 years ago
Patrick Parnowe have them in Canmore right now. woo hoo! I haven't unpacked them yet, but I am sure they are fine if a little needing a good cleaning!
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2 years ago

Rooms will be ready in 1/2 hour, so a coffee is ordered! Note the hooks up on top of the facades for hauling stuff up the outside. The tight turns in the staircases make it very difficult to get deliveries upstairs.

waiting on the room
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We checked in, and delivered the bikes. It was very weird to walk away from them, and head down the street bike-less. We have spent the last 7 weeks worrying about their storage, or sitting on them. All of a sudden, no bikes!

We wandered the streets of Amsterdam absorbing the sights, lots to see and lots of people to watch. You can see restaurants along the canals, people boating in the canals....

canals are a hit with tourists
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...and some people living on the canals. There is one large channel here with occupied houseboats. I bet these were hot places to be yesterday. Hot and humid.

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We ventured to the Anne Franck museum, where hordes of people were waiting their turn to enter. If you decide to go here, book online and reserve a time slot.

posing at the Anne Frank museum
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Karen PoretAnne Frank..No “c” in her name..
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1 year ago
Patrick ParnoTo Karen PoretAh, of course you are right!
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1 year ago
Karen PoretTo Patrick ParnoThank you for being a good sport about this “comment”, Patrick!
Your entires about the Netherlands trip were delightful! Tot Ziens!
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1 year ago

The canals and the bridges over them are packed with throngs of tourists, but add to the picturesque views here.

flowers on bridges
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We had dinner along a canal tonight, and reflected on the trip we just took. What a great finish!

last canal pic
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This is my last entry to this blog. We certainly learned a lot about bike touring, and about Europe on this tour. Most of all, we learned that we CAN do this, the distance was not a problem, and the bikes are terrific (go Koga!).

Thank you so much for coming along for the ride. See you next time!

Today's ride: 22 km (14 miles)
Total: 1,538 km (955 miles)

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Mike AylingThanks for a great journal!
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2 years ago
Patrick ParnoMike, its been great having you along on the trip. best....
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2 years ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesThanks for the great ride. We have been along most everywhere you cycled and it is great fun seeing it through another's eyes.
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2 years ago
Patrick ParnoThanks for all your comments Steve. Maybe we'll see you when you bike thru Canmore some day!
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2 years ago
Angela NaefEnjoyed following along, thank you for sharing your trip!
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2 years ago
Patrick ParnoGlad you liked it. We sure had a wonderful time!
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2 years ago
William RoweThanks for the trip you lead us through Europe by bike. It was some adventure you under took and it appeared to work with military precision.
We enjoyed reading your post and seeing the photo's of the scenery. Where to next???
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2 years ago
Patrick ParnoHappy that you came along! Our travel dance card is pretty full this year, so next year hope to bike the Rhone.
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2 years ago
David SwordSo ends a wonderful holiday. Thanks for the updates, it just was great journalism and allowed many to travel right along as well.

See you guys soon.
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2 years ago