June 27, 2022
Heidelberg by Train
well, did you make it or not?
The day started early at 0445 because we wanted to seize a spot on the early train as we had no bike reservation. Taking the panniers out of our room (5th floor), we see the elevator is broken. During the night. So...first road block, not too hard to overcome. Schlep (sp?) the panniers and bags down 5 flights of stairs. Get bikes out, pump tires, then bike to station with no traffic so early, and cannot find the elevator to the platform. "Pardon, vous savez ou est la lifte pour quai cinq, s'il vous plait?" Worked! Yay, and we are off to wait on the first train. Our app shows us exactly where to stand and....the train whizzes by, not stopping at the right place. We run with bikes to it, get on out of breath, and there is no real space here for bikes, but we get on blocking just about every other passenger.
There were 5 stops, and 3 of them were these doors. Sorry, pick another door!
When we arrived in Offenburg, we had a quick change but no problem, there are elevators. Except, the only one we needed was broken. Our day for broken elevators. Panniers off, schlep (sp?) the bikes and bags up, panniers and bags back on. Waiting on the platform, a guy points at my bike and speaks in German, and knew no English. Sign language - points to my Rohloff hub and himself, says "Rohloff". Either he works there or that's his name. I'm going with proud employment. I give him a thumbs up and off he goes with a smile.
Second train was Offenburg to Karlsruhe, stopped at the right place and we had pretty darn good spots.
Just had to take a pic of this sign about the Baden Baden stop.

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When we got on the third train, we actually got to sit down and watch the bikes. Woo hoo! We can do this! Heidelberg here we come!
Got to Heidelberg early - about 11 am and the hotel let us stash our bags and bikes, so we then set off along the Haupstrasse (old town shopping street) after a leisurely breakfast (and big coffee, Steve Miller!).
Here's a good story. After Marjory checked out a few dress shops, I suggested we look for a bicycle shop and did a quick search on my phone. OK, just a few blocks off this street so off we go. Nice bike shop, but no Ortlieb panniers (I wanted front ones, and it would be cool to buy them in Germany after all). We leave the shop, and 2 minutes later walk past a lady carrying brand new - you guessed it - Ortlieb panniers! Excuse me? I asked - I can count to 10 in German and that's about it - where did you get these? Sign language ensued. She showed me the bill with the address, a SportSheck on Haupstrasse. On Sale! Could I be that lucky? We walked there, discussing what price we would accept, knowing how much they were in Canada. To shorten this story, I am the proud owner of front panniers at about 1/2 cost of ones in Canada (Dave Clark, I am expecting my steering makes a quantum improvement!). Marjory is already thinking of what she can buy that will fit in them.

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Along the Haupstrasse, Marjory spotted this "Canadian cuisine" poutine place - and had to try it out, but she won't let me post a pic. Reports were positive however.
As Steve professed some doubt as to the veracity of the "large coffee", I submit a photo of the location so he can check next time thru!
Today's ride: 9 km (6 miles)
Total: 853 km (530 miles)
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2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
I use one on the back for day rides and one of the blokes that I ride with asked about the price as his and his wife's panniers were well worn.
I looked it up and you can get a pair here in Oz for AU$125.
What would you have to pay in CAN$?,
2 years ago
2 years ago
You went to a bricks and mortar and got the colour that you wanted at better than the Canadian price. You are still ahead.
Colours were a bit limited on the Oz on line sites.
I am enjoying the journal.
2 years ago
Carry on biking safely and providing the great stream of interesting writing and pictures. Two thumbs up and keep it up. Rog.
2 years ago