Seeshaupt to Bad Tolz - Retyrement on 2 Wheels 9 - CycleBlaze

June 23, 2024 to June 24, 2024

Seeshaupt to Bad Tolz

From good to Bad

Sunday was a nothing day for us. After a night of nonstop rain which gives our latest waterproofing a good workout- it stands the test, we rise late and made an effort to work off this terrible lurgy that’s suddenly struck. I have  a negative covid result so we hit it with Maxigesic, and it brings me back to life momentarily. The weather also improves and we finish the day bathed in the sun of a warm sunset over the lake.

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After a good night’s sleep we are more or less ready to move on. Fortified by meusli and plenty of coffee, though the fry up the Serbian football supporters are tucking into us almost tempting, we break camp in the sunshine and load our bikes. It’s a beautiful Bavarian day and we’re headed to Bad Tolz or rather a campground at a nearby lake, a few kilometres from Bad Tolz.

Loading up.
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It’s rather a late start on a cycle trail from the campground through trees, that takes us to a turn across the road and away from the lake. The road is very quiet and it’s a rural farming landscape we pass through and then a forested area.

The distance is supposed to be short but lengthens a little to get around a motorway and I’m feeling quite lethargic. However it’s a beautiful day and mountains are appearing on our horizon- a nice day for cycling, as evidenced by some we come across. Interestingly we haven’t encountered any cycle tourists as yet. 

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The route continues through some small villages and then alongside a fast flowing river and highway that has a new cycleway beside it. We encounter a few exercyclists out on this, belting along at twice our speed. 

Newish cycleway- easy pedalling for us, fast pedalling for some locals.
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There’s a turnoff with a fairly gentle climb up towards Bad Heilbrunn. Here we find a supermarket for supplies.

The gentle incline- appearances can deceive.
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From there we follow a very busy highway, on the separated cycleway, I hasten to add, until we reach sight of the lake. We turn off to Camping Demmelhof.

It’s strange how booking a site from the other side of the world, creates an image of a place that may or may not be in keeping with reality. In this case the site is somewhat smaller and the lake murkier, but it is small and quiet. After looking at the limited tent site, and seeing as energy is low, we ask about cabins and opt for one of the quaint but basic barrels.

A barrel of laughs.
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It gives us space, power and a roof over our heads. At the sanitaire, the showers are hot and all is perfect. We have a Scots neighbour who arrives on his motorcycle and natty little tent. He’s very pleasant and tells us he’s been touring from Norway down to Croatia. He’s neither a football fan nor does he drink he says, and he’s lived in Cumbria longer than he lived in Scotland. He’s still got the accent.

Ann rustles up a satisfying dinner of potatoes and ham salad accompanied by some sort of grapefruit fizz, unsweetened. Ah well. Come to think of it we’re missing those vineyards. Must by why beer is the local tipple. I searched the supermarket shelves in vain for a hazy IPA . Probably considered a crime against traditional brewing. 

We then climb into our sleeping quarters and crash. I begin listening to one of Garry Disher’s Wyatt yarns, but don’t make the first 10 minutes.

Today's ride: 45 km (28 miles)
Total: 117 km (73 miles)

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Rich FrasierIt sucks to be sick while touring. I hope you start feeling better soon!
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3 months ago
Michael HutchingTo Rich FrasierKicked it now Rich - thanks😁
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3 months ago