In Besancon - Retyrement on 2 Wheels 9 - CycleBlaze

July 11, 2024

In Besancon

Route plotting, late lunch, bike collection.

After a late breakfast we take a roam about the town. The day is hot, but there are enough trees and stone churches to offer respite and we enjoy the relaxed feeling you get when walking through the old part of a French town. There’s always something of interest for the ambler.

Cathedral of St Jean is quite austere.
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Adding to my collection of St Joans. A little insipid, perhaps, this one.
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Older Besancon- they’ve lasted better than some of the apartment buildings.
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The Doubs. Some water activities on the river.
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Interesting story of an African woman’s achievement.
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Besancon was an important Roman centre because of its strategic position.
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Watch in trepidation as buses negotiated this narrow archway erected to celebrate Marcus Aurelius. Though worn, images are still discernible.
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This painting survived a shipwreck and even the revolutionaries didn’t touch it.
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We manage to buy a new stand for the Kona and then head up to the bike repair shop, where my bike is ready to go. They’ve done a good job on the brake and retaped the handlebars beautifully.

Brake repaired and nice taping job.
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While Ann is finding the ingredients for dinner from the supermarket next door, I attach the new stand. It works well. We walk back to our apartment feeling confident about the next stage, which will mean heading up above the Doubs to Vesoul.

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