Besancon to Montbozon - Retyrement on 2 Wheels 9 - CycleBlaze

July 12, 2024

Besancon to Montbozon

We get to know our L’Ognon.

Final breakfast at our humble apartment, and  it is rather humble, with lashings of coffee. Packed and good to go, we wheel the bikes off the balcony and take our bags to the lift. Ah, the lift. Miss Otis regrets she is unable to operate today… So we walk down with everything, bikes included and load up outside. 

After this, finding the river and Eurovelo 6 is straightforward and soon we’re heading east towards Laissey. The track is easy and we make good progress on a cloudy but still morning. It’s beautiful cycling weather and there’s lots to see- from the boats as we leave Besancon to the landscape features. There’s greenery aplenty and outstanding rock formations.

Leaving Besancon.
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Where’s that yacht going to be sailed?
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About Laissey we can see the narrow sides of the gorge are broadening and lowering in height. This, we pick will be where we farewell Eurovelo 6 and head north to the Haute Saone. The climb is fairly moderate at first, with the odd cheeky bit thrown in.

Many types of mill, ( paper and textile) worked on the river at one time. This one stopped in the 1970s.
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Up we go!
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 We have not quite accounted for ease and speed today, and had been offered a warm showers stop in this area. But as it’s only midday, and our hosts won’t be home til 6pm, we regretfully cancel our “tent in the garden” offer, and continue north.

At Roulans we read a billboard story of the ‘Diving Priest’. Keen on all outdoor activities, and with a social conscience, he not only helped the poor and young people especially, but he actively participated in high diving. We are not sure what he dived into, but his interest and participation in the sport was at an extreme level. You have to admire such wholehearted passion.

He did 110 “plongeurs” from 35metres. His fundraising helped those in poor housing and set up holiday camps for young people. He earned a Legion of Honour.
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Eventually, once we reach the top, we spend most of  the rest of the day on long climbs and long rolling downhills. There is the odd pretty village too, but many look shut up and are very quiet.

Our lunch stop.
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 At one point we take a signed turn and make a bridge crossing of a busy N route. Our navigator immediately senses something is not quite right and tells me that we need to backtrack slightly and cross on a bridge that is further east. This we do, and are back on the route to Montbozon. Our research tells us that at Montbozon a greenway begins that will take us all the way through to Vesoul tomorrow.

On the horizon are several wind turbines. There’s clearly been some opposition to their installation as some signs reveal.

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We approach Montbozon on the L’Ognon River with much relief because the sky has been threatening rain for some time.

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A wagging councillor at work, perhaps?
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Rich FrasierProtesting farmers. That’s probably not the last one you’ll see.
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3 months ago

However we manage to set up in the local campground and have dinner before any drops of rain come, and they aren’t heavy. The campground is very quiet but a woman nearby kindly explains the details regarding shower keys.

We walk to the supermarket and inspect the historic and rather formally designed lavoir on the way. 

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 The Municipal manager comes by on her evening check of the  camp and collects our 7 euros. We dine under threatening skies before seeking cover and sleep. Apart from the noise of the river, it’s a very quiet night.

Today's ride: 52 km (32 miles)
Total: 727 km (451 miles)

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