Bad Tolz to Kochel - Retyrement on 2 Wheels 9 - CycleBlaze

June 26, 2024

Bad Tolz to Kochel

From See to See

We’re out of our barrel, showered, breakfasted  and packed by about 9:00am. The day is already sunny but rain is supposedly going to strike late afternoon, so an earlyish getaway is desirable. The route to the Kochel  turnoff  is pretty and leafy and continues that way for some kilometres. It’s reasonably flat, which is good, since we are both still adjusting to the weight of our loads. There are quite a few groups of fogeys on e-bikes. They really belt along, some of them, and sun protection from what we’ve observed doesn’t seem to be an issue. Quite a few dispense with hats or head covering completely. I guess as New Zealanders, we’re a bit sensitive about warnings about the sun.

Early morning as we leave the lake.
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Green and leafy start.
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Wonderful paths
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New baby here
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One old fogey meets some others.
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We stop for coffee at  crossroads as we come near Benedikteuern. It’s pleasant sitting in the sun while  the e-bikers smoke up a storm downwind. Here, I spot the first sign for the Konigsee- Bodensee route. Faded, but it exists. We haven’t actually met many cyclists touring the route yet. Maybe it’s early in the season. 

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The trail now becomes unsealed as we reach the old Benedictine monastery complex now run by Salesian of Don Bosco fame. There is absolutely massive reconstruction work going on and we really only have time for a cursory look about.

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Rough camping.
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From here the ride heads for the hills. The trail continues unpaved gravel, sometimes shared with traffic. We want to make Kochel within an hour, as rain is forecast and also the campground closes between one and four.

The distant blue
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The hills  become closer, the clouds darker and our speed faster until we reach Kochel and start out of town towards the campground before realising we won’t make it before 1:00pm. We therefore head for the Supermarket for supplies. Fortuitously there’s a kebab seller next door so that takes care of lunch. The supermarket has a small shelter for garden products that is ideally placed for a couple of cyclists wanting to keep out of the rain, by now pouring down. We are joined by a big chap in cycle gear, turban and his arm in a sling. He’s riding a recumbent that he can operate with one hand. He explains about a motorcycle accident he had a long time back that has left his arm unworkable. ‘My head is alright though!’ He laughs.

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Lunch over we head around the lake to the campground and are eventually set up on a small patch of green with a handy shelter close by which we share with a chap cycling to Munich on the Bodensee- Konigsee route.

After our kebab lunch, we dine lightly and then following showers- hot- get to bed before the rain falls again.

Across the Kochel See to Camping Renken
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Kochel See
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Today's ride: 37 km (23 miles)
Total: 169 km (105 miles)

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