Bad Tolz - Retyrement on 2 Wheels 9 - CycleBlaze

June 25, 2024

Bad Tolz

Good day at Bad Tolz

A beautiful ride to Bad Tolz - sunshine, enough up and down and bucolic views on one of the cycleway to offset the busy traffic on the other. 

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It feels good to wake to the cold and then feel the gradual rising warmth of the sun. Our milk and yogurt survived the night in the chilly bag under the barrel and so meusli and coffee all come together nicely. We bought coffee at the Freising cafe we visited after chatting to the young roaster. He set us up with the kind of mild roast but full flavour we like, after asking about our coffee drinking and brewing habits. At the time my thoughts were, ho hum, might work. In fact it’s the best on trail coffee we’ve had. No harsh bitterness or burning sensations. Come to think of it, for the filter  very often and the coarser grind is  just right.

As we leave camp a hang glider lands in the meadow beside us. He points to the peak he’s jumped off, which is high above on the opposite side of the valley. He’s pretty ecstatic, as well he might be- great way to start the day.

 Bad Tolz is leafy and green as we enter through a park area. There’s none of the frazzled and frayed look of post heatwave greenery.

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We chance upon a very flash E-bike shop and equally fortunately encounter a bulky, pony tailed technician. To him, we explain that Ann’s front derailleur isn’t responding as it should. ‘ Has it been knocked about lately?’ ‘Well it came in a box from New Zealand.’    Unfazed he fiddles about, there’s a couple of clicks and ‘fixed it.’ He then mounts the bike with his 2metre plus frame and disappears for about 5 minutes. Who’s minding the shop? He returns looking pleased and explains that he was checking it was completely ok. No charge. We thank him gratefully and pedal to Bad Tolz centre.

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We continue to the river crossing. The Isar is roaring through on its way Munich and looks quite high. It has an attractive pale green hue which would indicate that it’s quite cold. Even so a couple of teenage girls are taking quick plunges. The main Street leads off the Isar….with its beautifully decorated and preserved buildings. 

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Looks like a popular gathering place.
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Being on the salt road at one time, Bad Tolz did well out of the business, though conflicts ensued also. The town has two significant churches which like the other buildings have been beautifully maintained and there’s ā Calvary high above the town. Most visitors seem local, we don’t hear many languages other than German.

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Baroque style reasonably restrained.
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We find a quiet spot in the sun away from the main Strasse to try some nectarines and observe the way new buildings mix well with the old traditional style. 

New beside the old.
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From here we cycle back down to the supermarket to buy supplies and a fantastically mustard slathered wurst in a bun which we consume sitting on a bench beside the rampant Isar. A woman is dandling her baby in the shallows. They both seem to be enjoying the experience. We’re hoping she has a firm grip.

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It’s time to head back to our camp, and this time it’s a speedy return. Back at the barrel, our washing has dried and all is warmth, light and woody smells. It is so still and warm, that Ann opts for a dip in the lake. She does well, making it look quite inviting. Were it not for my cold….

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Though reception and wifi are as dodgy as ever,  we manage to rustle up wordle and with this, the omelettes ala red pepper and salad go down a treat . Our neighbours have lit a merry blaze around which they sit and chat late into the night.

Frying tonight.
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Today's ride: 15 km (9 miles)
Total: 132 km (82 miles)

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